What kind of problem do you face for being an Ex-Muslim Atheist?

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titikaka's picture
What kind of problem do you face for being an Ex-Muslim Atheist?

I'm an Ex-Muslim Atheist from Bangladesh.Majority of Bangladeshi people is Muslim.

In our country, Apostasy and Atheism is punishable by death. So, it's very much hard to be an outspoken Apostate or Atheist.

My objective of this post is to share what kind of problem an Ex-Muslim Atheist from Bangladesh faces and to know what kind of problem an Ex-Muslim Atheist from other countries faces in their country.

First of all, Atheists are hated by everyone in our country. There is a myth in our country that Atheists are get paid by American to spread Atheism and to destroy Islam.

If Ex-Muslim Atheist do criticis Islam in a polite way, Muslims don't tolerate this.They start giving threat of death. Whenever they get chance they do harassment mentally or physically.

In last 3 years, more than 10 outspoken Atheist were killed by Muslim extremist in our country.

I want to share another interesting thing that is, if your family members can understand that you are an Atheist,they stop to support financial need. Sometimes family members also do harassment mentally or physically until s/he come back to Islam.

I would like to know from my fellow Ex-Muslim Atheists from other countries about their problems that they face in their country.

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Buth999's picture


i'm an Ex-Muslim too , i've been for a year .
but i am from saudi arabia and in fact here it's a crime that come with a death penalty , and i remember studing this year that all apostate should be killed , i don't know any atheist cause no one ever come out and we have the same myth about Atheists getting paid by American to spread Atheism and to destroy Islam .

but the big problem for female atheists is the guardianship law on woman , so we can't even escape .

titikaka's picture
Hi Buthainah,

Hi Buthainah,
Do you share your Atheism with anyone like friends or family members?? May I know about the law of guardianship on women briefly?

Buth999's picture
no one knows , and i hope no

no one knows , and i hope no one will cause my parents get really angry at me if they think i didn't pray so i can't even imagine what they'll do if they knew , and also i can't tell friends cuase they might tell someone else .

the guardianship on women

( Under Saudi law, all females must have a male guardian (Wali), typically a father, brother or husband (a mahram). Girls and women are forbidden from traveling, conducting official business, or undergoing certain medical procedures without permission from their male guardians .

Depending on the guardian, women may need their guardian's permission for:

marriage and divorce;
opening a bank account
elective surgery, particularly when sexual in nature.)

i got this from wikipedia .

titikaka's picture
Why don't Saudi girls protest

Why don't Saudi girls protest against this law?? What's your future plan?

Buth999's picture
we are protesting but not all

we are protesting but not all of us some rather stay imprisoned cause they believe "that freedom is somthing that American and the jews invent to destroy real islam" , but woman have been protesting about not been allowed to drive cars for the last 20 years and nothing happend .

i don't know i hope i can go to med school next year and graduate and some how convince my father to let me finsh my study out side , and then get the hell out of this shit hole .

Buth999's picture
we are protesting but not all

we are protesting but not all of us some rather stay imprisoned cause they believe "that freedom is somthing that American and the jews invent to destroy real islam" , but woman have been protesting about not been allowed to drive cars for the last 20 years and nothing happend .

i don't know i hope i can go to med school next year and graduate and some how convince my father to let me finsh my study out side , and then get the hell out of this shit hole .

titikaka's picture
Best of luck Buthainah :)

Best of luck Buthainah :)

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