11 Miracles Science Cannot Explain

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Terence Ainley's picture
11 Miracles Science Cannot Explain

I came across this article recently and would like to hear comments on the various claims being made of events which have no explanations > http://www.buzzfaze.com/11-miracles-science-cannot-explain/?utm_source=g...

Looking forward to explanations (both hilarious and serious)

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maberl's picture
read up to 5-6 and realized
Nyarlathotep's picture
I stopped at #2, the
ThePragmatic's picture
To be nice, this stuff is
AlphaLogica157's picture
Only two methods are needed
need2learn's picture
Hello, I am conducting a
RubiksAndRum's picture
Will we get to see the
mjplatt's picture
Yep...... Total crap. Besides
mjplatt's picture
One more thing if I may.....

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