2 Great Books - Christianity did not start out with Jesus as God

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
2 Great Books - Christianity did not start out with Jesus as God

I am reading the second great book that explains that Christianity did not start out with Jesus being God.

The first was the Great Courses Study - "How Jesus Became God" by Professor Bart D. Ehrman - This is a more formal Religious Studies textbook on the history of Christianity and orthodoxy.

The second is more interesting, personal, parable by a minister that explains how a divine Jesus is bad theology.

"Saving Jesus from the Church" by Robin R. Meyers. He is looking at a lot of 'mainstream' Christians and wanting nothing to do with 'Christianity'.

He goes through the parts of the NT on which are historically accurate and which are 'power play' theological constructs.

The 'bodily' resurrection did not appear until AFTER and in societal response to the destruction of the temple. St. Paul, the good Pharisee, added that without knowing the living Jesus.

Virgin births & rising from the dead were COMMON themes at the time - But ONLY for the rich & powerful, not poor nobodies.

Part of 'religious' doctrine was added after the unholy matrimony with the Roman Empire.

No original sin.

Part of Table of Contents:

Prologue - A Preacher's nightmare: Am I Christian?

1 - Jesus the Teacher, Not the Saviour
2 Faith as Being, Not Belief
3. The Cross as Futility, not forgiveness.
4. Easter as Presence, Not Proof
5. Original Blessing, not original sin

looking forward to finishing the book.

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Cognostic's picture
Both excellent sources.
Fleeing in Terror's picture
Began - Not really. The
Grinseed's picture
Good finds Mrs O.
Dragonfly's picture
Thanks for the overview of
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I disagree - Too many people

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