There are many people on the site currently touting that they have a proof for the existence of god. Well let me break the news to you:
There is probably no way to prove god exists, even if he does. There are many reasons why, but perhaps the simplest reason for this is: you will never eliminate all the cases.
For example: it is possible the universe was created 5 seconds ago by a yellow mutant space chicken named Steve who promptly vaporized himself. Ridiculous? Sure. But it is very unlikely you will be able to eliminate this case. Worse still: even if you do (somehow) manage to eliminate it; there are presumably an infinite number of such cases that need to be eliminated. And you will need to eliminate them in large batches otherwise you will never finish your proof. The only hope to eliminate them in large batches is to start adding premises. But each premise you add weakens your work. If there is even a sliver of doubt about even one premise, you don't have a proof; you have an argument that might convince the people who already accept its conclusions, and probably won't convince anyone else. It is a hopeless task to attempt to prove such things, even if they are true! As the famous quote goes:
Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. - Michael Mann
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