The afterlife and the first law of thermodynamics

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Benjboi's picture
The afterlife and the first law of thermodynamics

My question is this, does the first law of thermodynamics and to a lesser extent the second law effectively prove that we exist beyond our deaths. I'm not talking about a traditional afterlife, I'm talking that the fabric of my body will only convert into something else and since my mind is a system of electrical impulses in essence, that those exist beyond me. So is the afterlife real? Discuss...............

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algebe's picture
@Benjboi "since my mind is a
chimp3's picture
Benjiboi: Ask your deity!
mykcob4's picture
STupid question from Benjboi.
Benjboi's picture
I thought your God was
algebe's picture
Benjboi: In your profile you
mykcob4's picture
Benjboi's picture
I apologise if this isn't new
mykcob4's picture
Alright Benjboi, I'll lay it
Benjboi's picture
Wow, thanks for the breakdown
mykcob4's picture
The USA came to be because of
algebe's picture
Mykcob4: "That manifested
Drewcgs11's picture
"And that is the problem with
mykcob4's picture
Nope ZERO you're wrong. Good
Benjboi's picture
'All theists are closed
Benjboi's picture
What's your point zero? That
Nyarlathotep's picture
Write a more or less random
Benjboi's picture
Well that might have ended
Benjboi's picture
Algebe - the options are
algebe's picture
@Benjboi: "In my book" is
Benjboi's picture
We're in danger of straying
Benjboi's picture
Ha ha ha, "in my book" of
Darren Koch's picture
Benjboi- I've often pondered
Benjboi's picture
I suppose that yes we are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah, atoms don't have enough
algebe's picture
@Benjiboi: "I suppose that
chimp3's picture
Sinner: Molecules have not
Keith Raye's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Short answer: It is just a
Benjboi's picture
I'll confess this is right at
Keith Raye's picture
That's an interesting concept


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