Alabama Abortion Law
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I don’t agree with using abortion as birth control. Everyone fucks up somewhere along the way. If a young lady has sex and gets pregnant, and decides to abort the pregnancy, that’s her right. Hopefully, she learns to be more careful, and moves on. If this is repeated several times,we have a problem. There are so many babies born into families that aren’t fit to care for them. To be blunt... there are a lot of people who should never be ALLOWED to have children! Christards want to stop abortion, but what about people who have children just to gain government aid? Why do people who live in poverty have kids? I’m not talking about people who love and support their children, by working their ass off, I’m talking about the people who treat their children like garbage and care nothing for them! By ending abortion, you increase the number of babies to be murdered, abused, neglected, raised without love, and become, in most cases, the kind of people who repeat the cycle. There are worse things in life than death. There are also worse things than not being born.
I've read that the only exception was if the life of the woman was in danger. Do you think that the bigotry will go so far as to let many women die instead of performing an abortion?
I would not doubt it.
My wife had an ectopic pregnancy. When we realized what was happening, they had to take her right into the operating room to save her life. I can only imagine what would have happened if this occurred with that law in affect. I'm sure the law would require referral to legal authorities to ensure that her life was indeed in danger. We would have had a ruling right as we were making funeral arrangements.
There is no ending to the idiocy that is bound to happen when laws are based on bronze age superstitions.
Actually, if you take into account the heritage from earlier cultures, I think we can extend that to pre-historic neolithic superstitions.
I'm glad it ended well for you. This ruling in Alabama is making itself known even in my country. Those southern states rivals even the islamic theocracies
In my country the conservative christians are opposed to abortion unless the mother's life is in danger.
But then they fight tooth and nail to prevent young unmarried mothers get anything like a meaningful allowance to raise their child and then demand government funding for their exclusive private schools far in excess over state run schools for the children of others who can not afford tax experts to avoid paying taxes.
From the Friendly Atheist (
So what exactly did this Matt Walsh write? Well, he wrote this, in all its horror:
Seriously, what is wrong with people like him? Ok, I know the answer - this is what comes from a brain infected with religion. But this is still such a pathological case of stupid.
Religion? Just say no.
@GOML RE: Comment made by Matt Walsh
What in the fuckity-fucking-fuck-fuckity-fuck??? What type of brain dead fucktard actually thinks like that???... *exasperated deep sigh*... Ya know, it's oxygen theives like that who cause me to lose faith in humanity little by little... *shaking head sadly*...
They're mouth breathers, plain and simple.
Fucking Retard: The DNA test on the fetus/blasphemous would give the exact same evidence and a 12 year old kid would not be jerked from her childhood and forced to raise a baby.
@Get off my lawn
Holy shit...that story you linked is one of the most repellent things I've ever read. Even by Catholic standards that;s some repugnant shit. On top of which what kind of brain dead moron thinks an abusive father could secure a legal abortion for his 12 year old daughter without any legal ramifications?
Damn, Dio. You pretty much nailed it.
OK. I was not aware of this, and it probably gives me away as being a non-US person. Anyway, I have now also had this explained to me by a US citizen here where I live. The way it was explained to me was that this shit is a drive to get birth rates up among white women. But I still don't get it. The whole thing applies equally to women of other skin colors so their birth rates will also go up. So what exactly is it they are trying to do? How does their logic (or lack of it) work? It just does not compute. My reasoning algorithms give non-sensical results. The output is as weird as the input. It's a divide by zero error in my computing machinery.
But anyway, the whole anti-abortion thing obviously also appeals to religious people that are rabidly anti-abortion, even if they are not white supremacists. So even if the "first mover" in this are white supremacist bastards, you can still claim it has a religious motivation, as they try to get "regular" theists on their side.
So, is it at all possible to explain this in a way that actually makes sense?
In the US, abortion is a wedge issue.
For example the logic sometimes goes like this:
If the population of the US is split pretty evenly on an issue (like say abortion) and you are having trouble getting votes; make the election about that issue (make it about abortion). And it doesn't matter which side you are on, the hope is you'll get 50% of the votes, therefore you only have to win one more vote to win the election. This is just one (extreme) example of wedge politics.
Or as the fictional character Frank Underwood (from the American version of House of Cards) said: "If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table."
You're trying to apply rationality to blind prejudice, that's why you see it is nonsensical. I live in the UK, but there is still racism here, and I simply never understood it. Do I really care if after I die the entire population of the world have black skin? Why would that bother me? If it's about cultural difference these are constantly changing anyway, and societies that where several cultures live harmoniously together can benefit from so many different ways, art, music, food fashion etc etc...
I agree one hundred percent. It's an indictment of religious morality that it so often behaves with prejudice and bigotry.
Well, trying to approach it with some kind of rational reasoning is the only way I know that would make sense. It surely wouldn't make any sense to approach irrationality with another brand of irrationality. However, I will not insist my way of trying to reason through this unfamiliar terrain is the best. Thus, some guidance would be nice.
OK. I think I'm beginning to understand.
This so-called Christian Identity movement, and hence also the white supremacists legislators in Alabama that passed the law, base their view on a particular theological interpretation of the Bible. And this interpretation is based on cherrypicked quotes from the Bible that purportedly supports the idea of white-skinned people being superior to people of other skin colours.
In any case, to me it seems like there are two aspects to consider here, one is the purely ideological idea of white superiority, the other is the theology that is constructed in order to "validate" the view through religion. And religion is being used as a spearhead here, to get support from the christians.
But I still cannot understand this extreme focus on the abortion issue. Yes, it's political. Yes, it appeals to bible bashers of diverse denominations. But I just cannot get how this connects to white superiority. Can someone enlighten me?
Abortion pills (Mifepriston, Misoprostol) are contraindicated in pregnancy > 49 days.
How safe is an in-clinic abortion?
I have to disagree on something. The contention that Muhammad is white, is debatable. Jesus, while made white later, is known to be an Arab? and would, in reality, have darker skin.
People tout race as a skin color issue, yet conveniently relax their standards if it helps their position.
Again, at best, it is questionable if Jesus or Muhammad was white.
I am not 100 percent convinced that this is merely a women rights issue. That is where the focus and discussions are going but I think this is mostly a political ploy to get Trump's ratings back up and whom better than from his previous evangelical voters. I am assuming that only evangelicals and the strictly religious would not condone abortions if women are raped. That seems like a biblical view as I see it. This would make matters even worse because if true this would make women and their rights a political pawn in the 21st century. IMO it is an attempt to please his previous voters. Someone up there should call them out on that.
It's petty simple for me.... What value are we putting on peoples lives, and what message are we sending out? We need to get away from this male orientated narrative and fucking listen to our own modern informed voices, and stop listening to echoes of past ill informed ones.
To paraphrase Chomsky:
When you hear politicians rant about abortion, family values, or sex scandals; reach for you wallet, because someone is trying to lift it.
Republicans rant about government spending except when spending for futile attempts to overthrow Roe vs. Wade. Then they have no problem spending our bucks.
And there goes one of humanities serious problems, we are to preoccupied by other peoples business.
Abortion is no ones business really.
But that is the way people are these days and social media simple exasperates things.
It's no surprise mental health is going down the toilet amongst societies.
This is a reason I abhor religion, it's always sticking its nose in, well prove your magical wizard is real and perhaps they can have a point.
The side effects of this insane law, (if it goes into effect 6 months from now,) is scary.
There is powerful reasons why even the most fervent anti choicers usually put in language in the law exempting in cases of rape and incest. Even if they realize it is hypocritical to their stance (a pinhead size grouping of cells with the fathers dna in it is full human and innocent etc.) they typically put these exemptions in the law anyways.
Why? Well here is just one of many major issues that crop up with this insane law.
Lets jump down this scary rabbit hole. (Feel free to skip the rest of this post if you got a weak stomach!) If this insane Alabama anti choice law goes into effect as is:
A woman gets raped. If she reports the rape to the police/authorities she loses the ability to have an abortion.
While by law this victim never had the option to legally get an abortion, but if the rape goes unreported, and later she does find out she is pregnant she can simply travel to a location where it is legal. There is no feasible way for Alabama to enforce their insane law if the victim never reports that she was raped, (and therefore possibly pregnant.) At the very least any victim would be well advised to wait a week or 2 to find out if she is pregnant before reporting the rape.
The perpetrator of the rape stays free, to continue to prowl the streets, to hide the evidence, to flee the state etc. And possibly emboldened by getting away with it, may well turn into a serial rapist.
Worse still in many places in alabama such a victim would have to hide her rape status from most of her family and friends, suffering alone after such a horrible thing was done to her.
This dark possible reality is just one of many major issues that come up with this insane new law. And just the above alone is more than enough that such a law as is absolutely should NEVER! be reality. It is beyond insane, I almost can't think of a worse form of torture/punishment/awful thing to do to a victim of a major life altering crime. Women have commited suicide over this, and this will only make things even worse.