Annie, get 'chur guns!!!
I am attempting to shine a little light upon gun problem which is everywhere. The United States' gun issue is the example I am using though I feel strongly the points I am trying to make is global as well as local, wherever you are.
The issue I propose isn't a constitutional one, it has nothing to do with the the militarization of the State's nor foreign and domestic policies, though those are part of the instability.
It is safety.
When we don't feel safe, feel "ok", we reach for escape from that lion whatever it be.
There is zero comradery, all sides whether able to afford to be in power or not are dissatisfied and feel unheard. Being heard is integral to being "ok"!
The dissatisfaction causes examination using their critical thinking mind and the problem quickly spreads throughout the system towards general dissatisfaction.
Putting us further from being ok.
Next step is a search to feel better. Here guns, drugs including alcohol, and anything else one reaches at in this dissatisfied state, and all are bad. All are screams at needing help to be "ok".
Anyone carrying a gun for purposes other than calories or a military issue isn't saying "look out I am a bad ass!", they are saying they are so not "ok" they need to be armed in a situation where most aren't. It isn't power it is fear. Power comes from an examined life led well and not from a gun.
Saying "being armed equals protection" means you learned nothing when the Marines, the freakin Marines, fully armed and equipped and French special forces, all not only armed and ready but in a place expecting an attack were attacked by two men killing 305 people.
The distance between feeling a need so strong to weaponize your protection from a lion to utilizing the power of life and death to send a message is a very fine one.
Everyone's stability is tentative. What is "ok" now doesn't it will be "ok" in 3 seconds.
Yes, the availability needs to be reduced especially those weapons designed with hunting Humans in mind.
The excellent Constitution states "that a well regulated militia shall not be impeded from having weapons" (not verbatim).
Though one could say "I am ex-military and well trained and have proven myself responsible with weapons. I should be able to have an M-16!"
Firstly, thank you very much, I hope you are able to stand behind what you fought for. I would add the caveat that your mission is over. Again thank you!
If seeing the comparative peace back home as so unsettling you need a weapon of war to replace the previous ones you used for the same purpose, you may well need help readjusting or you had the lack of being "ok" long before your service as I did.
Please get help.
If however you are adjusting please join the militia to protect against tyranny. The forefathers designed the 2nd Amendment for that very purpose.
Even if all guns were banged into farm tools not "ok" is not "ok"! As seen within and outside the borders, a truck, car, airplane, hell no weapon is needed to exact violence on any and all.
Work towards being "ok"!
Not just you but having an environment in which you live that removes the need for the guns.
Guns are not the problem they are a symptom of a society where not "ok" is the norm. This has resulted in a imagined need to arming for war with weapons of war solely out of fear of those around equally trying to be "ok".
Good luck all!
Robert Peters
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