Applebees not liable when man burned praying over sizzling fajitas

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Spewer's picture
Applebees not liable when man burned praying over sizzling fajitas

He claims the waitress should have warned him that the sizzling plate was hot...

Praying to the wrong god maybe?

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CyberLN's picture
Ah, the power of prayer!
cmallen's picture
He was mad because he didn't
ImFree's picture
His taste of Hell on Earth...
Mountainman's picture
The " loud sizzling noise"
ThePragmatic's picture
mysticrose's picture
That a very funny news!
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Really? Didn't know it was
AntigoneRisen's picture
Why would Applebee's be
ThePragmatic's picture
And the follow up:
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Then they say prayer does no
Travis Hedglin's picture
I just can't get over how
Pitar's picture
Hey, it wasn't that long ago
Travis Hedglin's picture
I know, I remember that, I
ThePragmatic's picture
LoL, I couldn't agree more
Mitch's picture
I see shaming, blaming, and
Travis Hedglin's picture
To be fair, I was not being
Mitch's picture
When you say "treating them
Travis Hedglin's picture
I am sorry that you find
ThePragmatic's picture
Mitch's picture
I appreciate how your are
ThePragmatic's picture
Well, not only that.

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