Are BDSM Relationships Wrong?

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gcibulka's picture
Are BDSM Relationships Wrong?

As a former Catholic turned atheist, one of the issues I have with Catholicism that helped lead me to atheism is their stance on sexuality and relationships. Sex isn't talked about very much in Catholicism, except to tell you that sex is wrong unless it's for the purpose of procreation. The topic of BDSM isn't even remotely mentioned, which I find distressing. There are many different kinds of BDSM relationships, and religious groups, and public schools for that matter, don't even acknowledge their existence. I haven't had to take sex ed for many years, so if they do talk about BDSM now, I'm unaware of this. I'm curious, do you, dear reader, consider BDSM to be wrong, and if so, why? Furthermore, should students be taught about BDSM as part of sex ed?

Note: if your knowledge of BDSM comes only from 50 Shades of Grey, that doesn't count. 50 Shades of Grey and 50 Shades Darker don't accurately portray BDSM relationships.

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Endri Guri's picture
I'm 15 and there's not much I
gcibulka's picture
So basically, BDSM shouldn't
mykcob4's picture
Nuances of sexual
xenoview's picture
BDSM should be kept out of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Teaching the kids about every
algebe's picture
LOL. British private schools
ThePragmatic's picture
Wait what?!
algebe's picture
@The Pragmatic: "Right. Wait,
mbrownec's picture
BAACKJD's picture
"Teaching the kids about
xenoview's picture
What does BDSM have to do
algebe's picture
Not much. But maybe I think
MCDennis's picture
Is the sex consensual? If
William00's picture
I have been kayaking for a
Tetndezi's picture
BDSM relationships, like any
Bob44's picture
Everyone has their own

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