As a atheist do you believe heaven and hell exist?

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samking009's picture
As a atheist do you believe heaven and hell exist?

As a christian i do believe that heaven and hell exit because the Holy Bible says after death judgement follows,this judgement can lead you to either heaven or hell.
Just wondering you as a atheist do you believe heaven or hell exit?

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Colt Bushnell's picture
No dumb ass
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Play nice!
Rob's picture
All things that are related
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Actually, science has
Zaphod's picture
Can you tell me anything
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Okay, you're mixing up two
Zaphod's picture
Actually the 21 grams bit
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Just because you lose it when
Zaphod's picture
I do not believe you actually
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Um, nice try. You are linking
Zaphod's picture
HA! I would not trust your
Henry Plantagenet's picture
In other words you have
SammyShazaam's picture
I scrolled all the way
Matty Arnold's picture
No. By definition, you wouldn
mysticrose's picture
Of course atheist don't
Zaphod's picture
Judea and Islamic religions
Henry Plantagenet's picture
The concept of hell that
Zaphod's picture
You are just flat out wrong
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Clearly know the Bible better
Zaphod's picture
Henry Plantagenet's picture
A bunch of them don't make
Zaphod's picture
AnimalLeader's picture
an atheist only believes in
Zaphod's picture
while some atheist do as you
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Um, no.
Zaphod's picture
There is as of yet is no
Henry Plantagenet's picture
So after being proved wrong
SammyShazaam's picture
No, not in the classical
mysticrose's picture
The bible really speaks a lot
Spewer's picture
Like Hogwarts, Narnia, and


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