Atheist Reasoning in Rejecting Christianity, and Subsequent Results

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Moxieman's picture
Atheist Reasoning in Rejecting Christianity, and Subsequent Results

Hello all,
I'm a new member and I had two questions for the atheists here:

1. Why don't you believe in the God of the Bible? / What questions do you have about this faith that makes it unrealistic to believe in?

2. What gets you up in the morning? What gives you meaning and purpose in life?

I look forward to hearing your responses. I'm sure you have some decent reasons, and perhaps even some exceptional ones! :)

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Sapporo's picture
Hello "Moxieman".
watchman's picture
@Moxieman ….
Bernhard's picture
Moxieman, originally I was
Tin-Man's picture
Moxieman's picture
Hey Bernhard! Thanks for your
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Moxieman
gupsphoo's picture
CyberLN's picture
Hi Moxieman.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
1. Why don't you believe in
Cognostic's picture
1. The god of the bible is an
Tin-Man's picture
(Before reading any other
Moxieman's picture
Thanks for responding, Tin
Tin-Man's picture
algebe's picture
Moxieman's picture
Hello Algebe. I happen to
algebe's picture
@Moxieman: I happen to
Sky Pilot's picture
Hitch's picture
arakish's picture
@ Moxieman
ronin renezage's picture
One has consciousness and
Kataclismic's picture
A timeless creator god would
Calilasseia's picture
This promises to be
Tin-Man's picture
Moxieman's picture
Oof. That was an intense wall
Calilasseia's picture
You may find it instructive
Sheldon's picture
dogalmighty's picture
1. Why don't you believe in
LogicFTW's picture
@OP by Moxieman
David Killens's picture
"1. Why don't you believe in
Bob Lawson's picture
Hi Moximan, I too am new to


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