Atheist Victory?

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David_Holloway's picture
I personally feel that we'll

I personally feel that we'll leave you free to believe whatever you want to believe, atheistism isn't aboit oppression, that's the job of religious organisations.

Saul Luizaga's picture
Their Human Rights should be

Their Human Rights should be respected and upheld, just like the rest, maybe at some point they'll realize why and how being rational about Nature makes a lot more sense, but Victory? nope, there will be always someone at the extreme end of the fear and superstitious spectrum, so we must be always righteous and tolerant, but it's not a war, it's not defeating their theology but rescuing them from it so they really improve as persons in the way religion prevents them to, and becoming an more integrated Humanity in its diversity, so I don't think it's an atheist victory, it's a human reason, intellectually and emotionally, victory overcoming and easy, fast, simple and necessary big mistake, for the next step in human social evolution, The Enlightenment Era #2 or whatever number it is, it's a victory on ourselves, I was a Catholic, Protestant and Anglican, so it's a victory for seeing our wrong ways, that Truth is the real authority and not the other way around, in any case is Humanity Victory IMO

Larry Johnson's picture
The bible already says what

The bible already says what will happen. The Christians will get slaughtered for rejecting the system of the antichrist(one world government, mark of the beast.) The bible says there will be a great falling away from the church so the more atheist the better.

Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - The Christians will

jazzyj7 - The Christians will get slaughtered for rejecting the system of the antichrist...

Now I don't believe your mythology; but I have read it. I don't remember that part, so could you satisfy my curiosity and tell me where you read that?

Larry Johnson's picture
Then I saw the souls of those

Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years." Revelation 20:4
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17

Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - The Christians will

jazzyj7 - The Christians will get slaughtered for rejecting the system of the antichrist...

jazzyj7 - Revelation 20:4...Revelation 13:16,17

I'm familiar with those verses. You might notice they don't mention the antichrist. So again, could you satisfy my curiosity of where you mythology says the things you told us about the antichrist.

eta: I'll tip my hand a bit. The word antichrist does not appear in the book of Revelations. So if you want to tell us where your mythology says what you said, you are going to need to cite a bible verse that does not appear in Revelations. I'm betting you can't do that; but we'll see.

Sheldon's picture
The bible say a family of two

The bible say a family of two dozen people working by hand built a boat from wood and sequestrated at least 2 of every air breathing animal on the planet, then fed and housed them for a year give or take. I'm dubious that bible is a cogent accurate piece of literature, as much as it's a cobbled together collection of stories from primitive archaic humans who knew next to nothing about the world they lived in. Much of it is demonstrably erroneous and or too fanciful and superstitious to take seriously other than as fiction.

The only thing in your post I can remotely agree with is the last 5 words. I find this death cult - end of days nonsense you are gushing over revolting. Count me out...

Larry Johnson's picture
By the way the antichrist is

By the way the antichrist is probably the Mahdi of islam. Hadith says he will fill the earth with peace and justice just as it was filled with oppression and tyranny and he will rule for 7 to 9 years. The bible says antichrist will deceive many with "peace" and he's the king of the north(comes out of turkey, Syria area.)

mykcob4's picture

You are so full of shit your breath stinks. The Mahdi of Islam? Bullshit! The bible is not so specific as you claim. You are making wild fucking assumptions with no proof whatsoever!

Sheldon's picture
A more concise and pithy

A more concise and pithy response, but that's basically where I was going. ;-)

Sheldon's picture
"By the way the antichrist is

"By the way the antichrist is probably the Mahdi of islam."

It's more probably a complete fiction, unless you can show or demonstrate some objective evidence beyond paranoia and superstition.

"Hadith says he will fill the earth with peace and justice just as it was filled with oppression and tyranny and he will rule for 7 to 9 years. "

Then again the Koran has a flying fucking horse in it, so again any sane objective person would be inclined to take it all with a large pinch of salt.

"The bible says antichrist will deceive many with "peace" and he's the king of the north(comes out of turkey, Syria area.)"

OK, but it also a talking snake, and claims humans were created using magic and clay in one instant in their present form, again it'r hard to verbalise how dubious any sane objective person should be, but reading subjective esoteric messages into it is like claiming Harry Potter contains the secrets of wizardry.

The last thing Syria needs is more religion in my humble opinion.

Larry Johnson's picture
Book of Daniel also says, He

Book of Daniel also says, He(antichrist) will not regard the god of his fathers, nor regard any god, nor desire of women and will exalt himself above all that is god BUT in there place he will honor a foreign god of fortress(probably allah) and act against many mighty fortresses with the help of a foreign god. so it's saying he doesn't regard allah but he'll give lip service to it to get the people in his hand, then he is slowly gonna divert and unmask himself and exault himself above all that is god. This is why I think its Mahdi of islam

mykcob4's picture
You're a mess jazzy! You are

You're a mess jazzy! You are mixing up the quran, the bible, and white supremacist propaganda. None of which are true! Basically, you are an uneducated idiot trying to impress someone. That ain't gonna happen bud. You're too stupid to even try.

Sheldon's picture
Rambling incoherent gibberish

Rambling incoherent gibberish. That could mean anything or nothing at all.

Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - Book of Daniel also

jazzyj7 - Book of Daniel also says, He(antichrist)...

We can stop there since the word antichrist does not appear in the book of Daniel. In fact it only appears 5 times in your mythology (Bible):

  • 1 John 4:3
  • 1 John 2:18 (appears twice in this verse)
  • 1 John 2:22
  • 2 John 1:7

So any citation for the antichrist not from these 4 verses is spurious. So again, I'm curious where your mythology says what you said to us about the antichrist. It seems like you just made that up.

Larry Johnson's picture
Who is the liar? It is

Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son. I don't care what you call him (son of perdition) but he is a antichrist because he will deny father and son.

LogicFTW's picture
Hah cool, some person thinks

Hah cool, some person thinks I am the antichrist because I deny both father and son he speaks of, (plus every other god.) Wonder if I can add that to my resume..

Tin-Man's picture
@Logic Re: "Wonder if I can

@Logic Re: "Wonder if I can add that to my resume.."


Sapporo's picture
Well yeah, I am an antichrist

Well yeah, I am an antichrist, because I find torture and not taking responsibility for my own actions to be immoral.

Sheldon's picture
There's no more objective

There's no more objective evidence for a deity called Jesus than there is for a deity called Zeus.

Larry Johnson's picture
Y'all love me showing you the

Y'all love me showing you the tricks of the devil. Isaiah gives you satans 5 pointed plan. 1.I will ascend into heaven. 2. I will exalt my throne above the stars of god. 3. I will sit in the mount of congregation in the utter most parts of the north. 4. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. 5 I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. satan has a 5 pointed plan that's why he has muslims praying 5 times a day to mock them because they are oblivious to his schemes. Just like he used the opposite foundation of the reverse trap to take the atheist back to the original lie within there minds. Oblivious!

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Prozac. Stat.

Prozac. Stat.

Tin-Man's picture
@Jazzy Re: " you

@Jazzy Re: " you satans 5 pointed plan...."

Hey, did Satan use to work for dieticians or Alcoholics Anonymous?

Sheldon's picture
It's their minds, not there

It's their minds, not there (sic) minds. You keep reeling off claims but don't seem to grasp you need objective evidence for them to be real.

I'm no more scared of imaginary demons than I am of being gored by a unicorn.

Sheldon's picture
"satan has a 5 pointed plan "

"satan has a 5 pointed plan "

Do you mean this fictional demon has a 5 'point' plan, or it has a plan literally shaped into 5 points?

Either way your posts are truly bizarre gibberish.

Cognostic's picture
Atheists dominating society

Atheists dominating society makes no sense at all/ First, Atheism has no social belief system. Atheists come in all shapes ans sizes with all sorts of beliefs. The only thing that will happen in society is that people will stop saying stupid stuff like, "bless you. thank God, or I'm going to bible study."


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