“…be fruitful and multiply” - but much less.

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Alembé's picture
“…be fruitful and multiply” - but much less.

“And you, be fruitful and multiply, increase on the earth and multiply in it.” Genesis 9:7

Well, perhaps not.

“The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is one the government isn’t telling you about.”

Science. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/07/best-way-reduce-your-carbon-footp...

Spoiler alert: It’s have one fewer child.

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The_Hyphenator's picture
Planet's overpopulated, plain
xenoview's picture
Just ask China about the one
algebe's picture
Reducing the birthrate sounds
Alembé's picture
Hi Hyphenator,
algebe's picture
@Alembe: "I would not be
LogicFTW's picture
Lol. I like it :) Did you
xenoview's picture
Humanity has over populated
Alembé's picture
**Conflict of Interest
algebe's picture
@Alembe: "What if this is as
LogicFTW's picture
In most of the first world
LogicFTW's picture
Curious on the person that
Sky Pilot's picture
The cure for overpopulation
xenoview's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
xenoview's picture
LogicFTW's picture
I assume you were being
algebe's picture
That's an old idea. Ever seen
xenoview's picture
Soylent Green is a good way
LogicFTW's picture
Is there a problem with


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The_Hyphenator's picture
Alembe, true, we may be
khelrajablackjack's picture
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