in the beginning there was the devillived came back Easter

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Krazy789's picture
in the beginning there was the devillived came back Easter

God of woke from Darkness to find it was that Darkness .the empty cold black darkness of space and time. negative feelings like loneliness. and one feeling develops after another and another. negative existence, negative feelings ,negative thoughts ,negative actions, negative results, equals negative God. and so God created it's opposite to combat what it was and became .so from nothing came something. from the darkness .it created the light the opposite .positive feeling instead of Darkness there was light .instead of cold .there was Heat .instead of nothingness. there was creation and it was life and became the light. God is a shapeshifter .and Satan is the only one that has ever claimed God .and it said that he is a shapeshifter .so it's said to be anyway. and I feel it's always creating the opposite. whatever one thing it creates there is the opposite of it .just imagine your life beginning this way you're a shape-shifter you are the environment and all you know is negative feelings that torment you and in eternal life of total damnation. there are indeed two gods to me . One of natural birth one created one that is negative energy. the other positive energy. ever heard of negative space. and ever heard that we get energy from the Sun. and so if the sun is God then the space is the devil .and if they are individuals like us. then one is a positive God . While the other one and negative. my father once said to me. trying to get money out of your sister is like trying to get fire from the Devil. I said father how do you know the devil has the fire. when it's the sun of God that's on fire .he said that I don't know something I'll have to think about. Satan is not bad. it is said Satan has good morals .well we learn from our mistakes don't we ..and he is our God's number one angel .and said to be judge of man's morals .if anyone is to judge us. it will be big daddy himself the father creator of all things good and evil. the Devil knows he's lost. only because he's made it that way he created your God. the devil was the first. he's Alpha. Jesus Christ is the Omega .and what God does God worship . And so your God is a atheist wow big boom there right. and it is out after you to test and break your faith. and there is to be no worship for Satan. for he says Thou shalt not create no idols .so you think he wants to be one .Jesus he was taught by him .when Jesus went to speak with Satan where did he have to go .solitude. for his teachings the devil gave you your king. but no God !!!.you are to have free-will. means you have no God .no ruler above you .so do not say you have free will when you serve on your knees to a God and pray for salvation from yourself's. God don't even come play God .to play God into another's life of Free Will is to be the devil on to that person .God can be explained in many ways. God is life ,devil is death, God Is Good ,Devil is evil ,God is a way of life lived that promotes more days of life .devil is ways of the life and which promotes suffering and decreases days in your life. that leads to death not eternal life. To me God is a very unique self-awareness to its surroundings I even treat my cat with the utmost respect that it deserves and I wish I would have myself it's hard to say that I'm religious but I do believe that there is a God but he don't play God and we have a king that only leads by example only

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chimp3's picture
Life is too short!
LostLocke's picture
So.... how about those ? Aren
Sirkenstien's picture
They certainly will if their
xenoview's picture
MCDennis's picture
Don't let theists do this....
Sheldon's picture
I'm sorry but paragraphs or
Krazy789's picture
Thank you for your reply
watchman's picture
@Keith ....
Flamenca's picture
@Keith, you define your god:
Burn Your Bible's picture
Then call life life and death
mykcob4's picture
Sirkenstien's picture
You are trying to educate us
Sheldon's picture
"my faith is my ability to

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