Belief system

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Sheldon's picture
Still waiting for Flatland

Still waiting for Flatland explain why his deity is different in any objective way to all the other deities, and all other unfalsifiable claims for which no objective evidence can be demonstrated?

I'm guessing it'll be a frosty Friday in Hell first....

Flatland's picture
Our god, Sheldon, creator of

Our god, Sheldon, creator of all that is, your and my god is different from Thor for instance because Thor did not create all that is.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Flatlander

@ Flatlander

Our god, Sheldon, creator of all that is, your and my god is different from Thor for instance because Thor did not create all that is.

I do not believe your god did either.

I wait for some evidence.

Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon "Still waiting for

"Sheldon "Still waiting for Flatland explain why his deity is different in any objective way to all the other deities, "

Flatland "my god is different from Thor for instance because Thor did not create all that is."

That's demonstrably not an objective difference, do you not know what the word objective means? Adherents of Thor maintain that Thor is their and your god, and that it created everything.

Hence there is no objective difference between the two claims.

I'm still waiting, try again. I'll give you a moment to Google the definition of the word objective, and familiarise yourself with its meaning. So you an avoid another embarrassing own goal.


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