Breaking News

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rat spit's picture
Breaking News

From the National Online Herald

“Breaking news from across this great nation. Students of all shapes and sizes are running to the bathrooms between classes and lunch time to masturbate. Together with hand held devices and a new wave of hard core pornography, scientists say they’ve seen a 400 % increase in adolescent interference since last year.

The country is now facing a disastrous shortage of toilet paper. Scientists say that by the year 2032, there will hardly be any toilet paper left.

Sewage waste analysts have never seen spikes in the percentage of sperms in their samples like the ones they’ve seen this year. Analysts say the new wave of really hardcore porn makes male teenagers between the ages of 14 and 17 especially susceptible.

With all that jiz running into the oceans, marine biologist Carl Fox Rundy says it’s not a matter of how this human sperm will fettilize fish eggs all over the ocean - it’s a matter of when this human sperm will fertilize fish eggs all over the ocean. No detection of a human/fish hybrid has been made in recent months, but Biologists across the nation are hopeful.

Arthur Smackswell
Contributing Author”

I read this kind of smut and you know ... I just don’t know what the world’s coming to. Isn’t it stated in the Bible? Thou shalt not interfereth with thine self?

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Cognostic's picture
The Overlord's plan must be
rat spit's picture
He is pleased. Long has He
Cognostic's picture
You are correct about
toto974's picture
Cognostic's picture
There is all sorts of
toto974's picture
Woooh! Pauline Christians,
Cognostic's picture
Actually, knowing how to
toto974's picture
Yes I know that (Arianism,
Cognostic's picture
That explains Christianity
toto974's picture
Sooo... Let them swim in
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
Have not seen or heard that
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
Nice Catch: Betrayed by his
Sky Pilot's picture
rat spit,
Tin-Man's picture
Sooooooo.... If a person
Randomhero1982's picture
Fish-human hybrid would still
Sheldon's picture
"Fish-human hybrid would
Sheldon's picture
This is another windup,
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Yes, that was clear. Hence me
rat spit's picture
Not only does this generation
Tin-Man's picture
Here's an oldie but goodie to
rat spit's picture
I gotta throw this one in
Cognostic's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: Brutal breakfast

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