We’re hearing a lot about it. We’re talking about it. But what is it, really? What does it include? What does it exclude? Is it ever right? I’m not asking for a dictionary definition. I’m asking what your thoughts are about it.
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i personally haven't experience bullying nor implying it to others..
1. i think it's what we call "survival of the fittest", we all have our own characteristics...we are unique in a sense that we take that uniqueness as an advantage to others,for example: if we live in a savage way. and you have that built of a huge cave man,you would probably kill someone just to survive,fighting for resources (food,water etc.)..
2. or people just overuse their confidence and feel like they can take anyone who stands in their way..
that's what you call "Lunatic Imbecile"
It is an interesting topic, One which is very much related to the character of an individual.
I have known people who come across as intimidating and are yet thoroughly nice people,
and the opposite can be said, of have knowing people who have the 'nice person' label and are actually quite awful.
Could we say it is as subjective as say offence? what one deems as bulling or offensive, may not be to another?
" Could would say it is as subjective as say offence? "
Absolutely! Teasing is a classic example. I'm a redhead and like pretty much all redheads, I got teased all through school. If I had a dollar for every time I've been called a bunsen burner I'd be a very wealthy woman. The worst offender was a friend who'd sing " I SEE RED! I SEE RED! I SEE RED!" at me from the other side of the quad at the top of her lungs. A lot. It made me want to hide. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me, it was so embarrassing, but there wasn't any malice in it from her side, she was just loud and silly by nature with all of us.
Aw red heads are lovely!
To be honest I had similar encounters during early schooling, due in part to my course selections.
'Nerd', 'Dork' were the standard of the day, However, only by my fellow females lol.
I would have given my right arm to have red hair! Had to settle for using henna...
Natural red heads =
Why did you post this link?
@ Sushisnake
Redheads are the bomb! Especially that Titian coloured hair with the bright green eyes.
They musta been jealous! So green they could eat their own undies!
@Old Man
And now you've made it worse! I didn't get the sexy green eyes. I got bog standard brown ones.
I did try green contact lens years later just for a lark and I just looked...odd.
A natural redhead with green eyes = https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQIbodKRIVF_CGwVTx2...
There is the sort of bullying that is unintended, which is caused by some flaw in character or personality in the offender. This can and should be controlled by good discipline in the school or learning environment.
Then there is the more serious kind of bullying which is motivated by substantial lack of empathy in the offender.
[Edited to add]..
There are two types of bullies too. Those who are bullies due to nurture (environment) and those who are inherently uncaring. As one 16 year old said, "I like being bad and doing nasty things. You [her parents] never seemed to understand that".
To me bullying is: when one person in a position, (or perceived position,) of power, uses that power to in someway harm another that does not have the same power, (real or perceived.)
Hmm... does that come off too dictionary definition like?
It is never right in my mind, might does not make right. Other wise only the most vicious and strongest of us will rise to the top at the detriment of everyone else, and bullying reverses progress the group as a whole in achieving a better life for everyone.
Perhaps, for school kids, that ‘position of power’ would also include the kids in certain cliques as well.
Here's the Aussie definition of adult workplace bullying.Note this is a separate offence to Harassment.
"Workplace bullying is defined as repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers, that creates a risk to health and safety. Repeated behaviour refers to the persistent nature of the behaviour and can involve a range of behaviours over time."
Workplace harassment may also consist of offensive conduct that is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as being fired or demoted)."
Most people confuse the two terms. Bullying must be ongoing whilst Harassment may happen only once to constitute an offence.
It is a great question CyberLN. Am I a bully for pointing repeatedly pointing out the mathematical inconsistencies of what someone says? Maybe...
It isn't so clear as to where the line is.
Nyar, I don’t think it is bullying to point out errors or disagree with someone when it is that. It’s one thing to attack an idea, but quite another thing to attack a person.
- Nyarlathotep
Certainly not, There is a difference between attacking someone who is simply conveying true factual statement and when one is simply spouting utter nonsense!
If these people go unchecked/corrected, we will be forced to endure a society that believe in spurious claims.
Such as the world being 6,000 years old, evolution being 'just a theory', supersymmetry being scientifically discovered to be true or humans and dinosaurs roaming the world within the same era.
The difference between an educator and a bully, is that an educator points out your mistake by going down in the dirt with you, explaining why you made it, why its wrong, and how to avoid making it.
A bully points out your mistakes to show superiority. A bully prefers making accusations rather than seeking clarification. A bully makes statements such as:
-"Sounds fancy huh? Of course anyone who knows what Stirling's approximation is, knows this statement is gibberish."
-"Can't even get the facts right in his own field! WOW, just WOW."
I don't detect the relevance of your remark above
Sorry couldn't resist! Hahaha
Attach Image/Video?:
I guess the validity of your comment hinges on whether this is a schoolroom or a debating chamber. In a debate, retorts designed to undermine an opponents credibility might be criticized as ad hominem attacks, but I'm sure if they can be seen as bullying.
John, you’ve been equally snarky as that. Would you call it bullying?
I think there are two differences between me and Nyar:
1. He's attacking, I'm defending. I've noticed there are two types of members on this forum. You have the ones that tend to start the threads, ask the questions, and present their ideas. Then you have the members that respond to those threads, answer those questions, and critique those ideas. I tend to be among the former, I enjoy putting my ideas out there. Nyar tends to be among the latter, he doesn't present ideas, he critiques those that do.
As someone who normally starts the threads, I get two types of commentators: I get constructive ones, which try to understand what I'm saying, tell me where they agree, and also where they disagree; these tend to push the conversation forward. Then I get the destructive ones, which don't bother to understand what I'm saying, they only tell me why they disagree, as well as why I'm not qualified to speak, they say I contradicting myself, and recently that I'm not old enough to speak lol. These drive conversations to a halt. To the constructive ones I respond respectfully, and engage them the way they engage me. To the destructive ones, I respond dismissively if not sarcastically. I'm hardly ever the initiator of these attacks and defend myself unapologetically against them.
2. I'm not a hypocrite. I'm very intentional with my responses. I know when I'm being snarky, to whom, and why. I'm not going to come on a thread about bullying, and act as if the lines are blurred, and I don't know the difference between pointing out inconsistencies and being a bully.
Nyar knows he's guilty. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked that question in such a victimized way, acting as if he's unsure, hoping to get affirmation that he's the hero not the villain.
@ Breezy
"I think there are two"
Classic "It wasn't just me" defence
Well I am talking about you now.
Judging by some of your smartass responses they do fall into the repeated and unreasonable category. In a workplace,school or even a social situation I would pull you up on them at the time of saying, even though they are borderline in most cases. The fact that you repeat that behaviour, as if you would get a different outcome, merely demonstrates a lack of maturity.
Bullying is repeated and unreasonable attacks Nyarlotheps retorts cannot fall within that definition. Because you don't like criticism of your reasoning and questioning of your motives does not make those that do, bullies.
Harrassment? Yes certainly on my part as your somewhat immature tactics of concealment, entrapment and mendacity deserve to be challenged.
Again in a regulated place (work, school, social) your behaviour would have been noted and should have been corrected by your peer as would mine if it came to a point of open conflict.
And, no, agreed, in your posts you are not a hypocrite, you tenaciously hold to outrageous views ( even though you attempt to conceal their origin), but that is not bullying, although some of your responses to critical assessment could be construed as such.
So all in all no one is bullying you Breezy, you are an incipient bully yourself as I am sure even your modest training will allow you to identify. If you modify your own behaviour, i.e honesty, openness and a spirit of give, rid yourself of "rules of engagement" then I am sure everyone against whom you have taken umbrage will happily accommodate your lesser foibles.
(edited for clarity and grammar.)
I think we can agree you and I both disrespect each other equally. My issue is with those that pretend they don't.
@ Breezy
"I think we can agree we both"
If that one liner is directed at me, you have just provided the proof of my post. If not directed at me...oh..you have just provided the proof of my post.
The fact that you don't respect me is immaterial. The fact that you are showing lack of self respect is a problem for you.
I respect your original viewpoints, I can make a very good guess as to where they originate, I respect the way you argue them. I disrespect the way you conceal those origins and attack anyone when they question you.
I think I'm rather transparent about whose on my naughty list.
@ Breezy
"I think I'm rather
I think I'm rather transparent about whose on my naughty list."
Yes all who
a) call you out for mendacity
b) criticise your process and conclusions
c) don't share your brand of theism
d) examine your motives
e) Don't think you are especially clever
That seems to me to be a pattern of behaviour that you need to address.
@ John 6IX Breezy
Hi there Santa!
Do atheist get gifts from santa around Christmas time?
I have not gotten a gift from Santa (you?) in a long time, guess I am naughty, oh well.
Well I'm going to address you directly, which I haven't done in a while Breezy:
I've tried that many times with you Breezy, but it never works. You can not teach someone who does not want to learn.