"The most dangerous aspect of religion is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent."
- Stifyn Emrys
Quote Source: Stifyn Emrys
"The most dangerous aspect of religion is its tendency to glorify the absurd and justify the abhorrent."
- Stifyn Emrys
Quote Source: Stifyn Emrys
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I say it is it tendency to glorify the absurd, justify the abhorrent, and teach ignorance of and damn other beliefs that exist no matter how based in fact they are.
That's definitely a dangerous thing about religion, though I'm not sure if it's the most dangerous thing... unfortunately.
Religion does that in droves and people eat it up. That is a dangerous thing!
If glorify the absurd and justifying the abhorrent was all they did people would have long ago seen through religion and it would be nonexistent today. The fact that religions do this is one of the best things about religions coming from the perspective of someone trying to invalidate them.