Cannabis use is getting out of hand

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Lmale's picture
Lol cannabis does not cause

Lol cannabis does not cause cancer it fucking cures it.
In 1978 the american president commissioned a study to prove cannabis caused cancer found out 2 years later it cured many forms of cancer so buried it!!!
How many died because of that!

Lmale's picture
Lol cannabis does not cause

Lol cannabis does not cause cancer it fucking cures it.
In 1978 the american president commissioned a study to prove cannabis caused cancer found out 2 years later it cured many forms of cancer so buried it!!!
How many died because of that!

Danny Craft's picture
Of course.. If cancer was

Of course.. If cancer was cured this false economy would collapse. As long as we remain in this system, a sick world is a profitable world, and a profitable world is a good thing.. So speaking from an "economists" point of view; cancer is a good thing! Welcome to the world we've created.

CyberLN's picture
On this one I disagree with

On this one I disagree with you Danny.

There are a ton of folks, organizations, and schools spending a lot of time and money to not just find new treatments for the ~200 variations of cancer, but also looking for actual cures.

There are many new and better treatments available for the control of cancer. (Many of us who have had cancer call that treatment The Slash, Burn, and Poison Program ;-) ). And it has gotten a lot better over the years.

The anti-CD47 study at Stanford is showing a great deal of promise as an actual cure. The pharma companies involved will, of course, patent it. Research isn't cheap and they are in the business to make money. I don't really have a problem with that.

To think, though, that research scientists, universities, pharma companies, or governments are somehow colluding to squash this is, IMO, a bit on the conspiracy theory side.

Lmale's picture
Big pharma attempted to make

Big pharma attempted to make a version without the high but failed so it was hidden again we only know about it because of the declassified information act.
Wish i could remember the news reports site.

Danny Craft's picture
I hear ya. And I hate the way

I hear ya. And I hate the way it sounds too, very conspiratorial. But facts are facts. It was many years ago when I looked into cannabis possibly been a cure (the extracted hemp oil to be exact) and I even checked it out with a doctor friend of mine, who simply responded "don't drive yourself crazy mate, the pharmaceutical industry doesn't create cures, they create customers" .. A doctor told me that. .. You said it yourself, it's a business. And the number one priority of all business is profit, second; self-preservation. In fact it's most likely that the well being of the consumer is right at the bottom on the priorities list. Are you really okay with people making money on the helpless desperate needs of others?
.. I'm not trying to mindfuck you or anyone else with what I say. I'm just giving my individual spin of what I have seen and come to know (or believe I guess) .. It does sound conspiracy theoryish, but like I've said before; there is no conspiracy, there never has been, there is only business. And business will do whatever necessary to make profits and secure more profits in the future, therefore, from a business perspective, it makes a lot more sense to create treatments for an illness than a cure, for if I create a cure, I shut down my own business! Do you really think any businessman out there gives a flying fuck about the well being of others more than their own profits?
.. The global cancer cases have not far off doubled in the last two years. Why are there not signs up in McDonalds or down the junk food aisle in the supermarket warning people that abuse of this shit leads to cancer? Why are there no signs or advertisements anywhere saying "living a healthy lifestyle will significantly reduce your risk of cancer." Why is it more expensive to live a healthy lifestyle than one that is likely to drop the big C on you? I know it sounds dodgy, and I don't like it, and I hope I'm wrong, but kind of know I'm not. Business as usual.
.. The fact remains, if 'cancer research' (a multi-billion dollar industry) announced a cure for cancer, it would put hundreds of thousands of people out of work, thus causing the economy to collapse. This makes it logical to assume that 'cancer research' is in fact NOT trying to create a cure, but 'better treatments' for it, as you said yourself.. I'm of course not saying every person in the industry is conspiring against us, on the contrary, I'm sure they all believe they're doing whats best for the big picture; creating treatments for cancer, and creating jobs for people. Win win right?

Lmale's picture
Damn you left me with nothing

Damn you left me with nothing to say you covered it all.

Polly Ticks's picture
My view is ask Ann Druyan,

My view is ask Ann Druyan, she's one of the marijuana experts that's atheist and was Carl Sagan's wife and please let's get modern shall we. The majority of people at least in Canada and the US don't support your views. Perhaps your views are formulated from old data. Hard to say as you didn't give any links, just the same old myths perpetrated by pharmco propaganda. Odd for me to see this on an atheist site where evidence is typically paramount. Here's what the US congress is doing about the myths of marijuana and the 700,000 arrests each year in the US. longer version

You are calling these people (living or deceased) non-productive and not smart human beings. Mick Jagger, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Star, Eric Clapton, George Carlin, Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Clarence Thomas, Bill Clinton, GW Bush, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Maher, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Elvis Presley, Gregg Allman, Stephen Colbert, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Andrew Cuomo, Jon Stewart, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, LeBron James, Rand Paul, Rodney Dangerfield, Sanjay Gupta, George Clooney, Mayor Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Tom Brokaw, Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, Michael Phelps, Whoopi Goldberg, David Letterman, Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Seth MacFarlane, Martha Stewart, Conan O'Brian, Matt Damon, Gov. Hinkenlooper, Gov. Chafee, Maya Angelou, Johnny Depp, Madonna, Robert Downey Jr. (a former hard drug addict who made the most money in entertainment last year) Gov. Jesse Ventura, Robert DeNiro, Bryan Cranston, Oliver Stone, Toby Keith, puff, puff, I'm out of breath but there are thousands more.

Sorry, I just can't agree with you that not smoking marijuana is a requirement to be a truly productive and smart human being.

Kreston's picture
What do you think of cannabis

What do you think of cannabis-based gummies?

demik's picture
I agree cannabis is a really

I agree cannabis is a really amazing plant that helps fight many mental illnesses. I want to share with you the site where you will find all the information you need about weed gummies. In my opinion, using weed gummies is great for beginners who are just starting their mental health journey.


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