Changing the negative connotation of atheism

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Anser's picture
Changing the negative connotation of atheism

It occurs to me that atheism by its very definition is negative.
It's anti-theism, i.e. against the belief in God. Against the belief of the existence of God.
It is very difficult to enter into a conversation with anyone when you start out with the idea that you are against them. I'm not against peoples beliefs. I personally don't care what a person believes as long as they're not trying to force their belief system on others.
It's my thought that we need a positive descriptor rather than a negative one.
Starting on a positive note makes it more likely that you'll be listened to rather than disregarded.

Prosagacioust seems an apt term.

Procognitive would have been been good but that's already been hijacked by the medical industry.

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Nutmeg's picture
How about humanist?
Anser's picture
Theists already consider
Nutmeg's picture
Well, being a humanist isn't
Anser's picture
Been there, done that.
Nutmeg's picture
Bit stuck then, really. If
Anser's picture
Bit stuck then, really. If
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
,............... what's a
Anser's picture
",............... what's a
ThePragmatic's picture
The negativity of the word
Anser's picture
"The negativity of the word
Nutmeg's picture
Yes, secular or humanist or
Anser's picture
Maybe when talking to an
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
@ Anser
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Jeff, I'm going to pull a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Jeff, would you disagree
ThePragmatic's picture
What about using Realism,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This is called an argument of
ThePragmatic's picture
"just because the theist may
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"If we want to reach through
Anser's picture
@ The Pragmatic,
John E. Hooper's picture
well, i'm a pretty extreme
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
keep using "atheist" it's
Anser's picture
".. keep using "atheist" it's

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