Crazy USA President

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LogicFTW's picture
While I am confident China is
CyberLN's picture
I heard the Cheeto-faced,
algebe's picture
@CyberLN: I heard the Cheeto
ilovechloe's picture
Even though I dont live in
Whitefire13's picture
Well, Trump backed off from
Cognostic's picture
@Whitfire: FUCK! The one
LogicFTW's picture
The US/Canada border is the
Cognostic's picture
@LogicFTW@ I agree 100%
dogalmighty's picture
The talking yams
ilovechloe's picture
The penny has FINALLY dropped
LogicFTW's picture
Grinseed's picture
Trump's greatest display of
Whitefire13's picture
David Killens's picture
Trump just shut down the
Cognostic's picture
@David Killens: Denying
Cognostic's picture
@WHITE!: Yea! Fucking
Whitefire13's picture
@Cog. *big smile*. You’re
Tin-Man's picture
@Whitefire Re: "...the “tin
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Cognostic's picture
Old Man Shouts & Tin:
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog...
Cognostic's picture
@Old man! Ha! My plan is
Tin-Man's picture
...*casually strolling
Whitefire13's picture
...I’d follow you in, Tinman
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: My mechanic
David Killens's picture
@ Whitefire13
Whitefire13's picture
OMS ... if you find anymore
Whitefire13's picture
David Killens's picture
Does the US have any allies
Whitefire13's picture
Eh, David, the fact that an


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