Dating atheist women
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You moron. I used the age old "when did you stop beating your wife" tactic to show you what it's like to be saddled with false accusations. You began your comments by accusing me of wanting a slave for a partner, saddling me with false accusations, so I put it back to you. Doesn't feel good having someone hit you with those accusations and having to defend yourself against such stupidity does it?
And btw, I will reiterate my shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up!
Do you really expect me to shut up because you tell me to and because you called me a moron? What makes you think that will work? What do you think will happen? That I will suddenly realize that I am a moron and "shut the fuck up?"
It does not bother me that some anonymous person on the net tried to hit me with an accusation to my anonymous name on the internet. I find it rather interesting actually, interesting that you choose to do that rather then calmly explain why my previous statements are wrong. Even when I point out that you are seemingly attempting to attack me rather than answer why my original argument is wrong.
You wanting a slave is my opinion. You asked how I got that opinion and I broke down why using your posted material on the subject and my interpretation of them. What you write here about your self is all I have to go on to form an opinion about you.
However, it seems you are getting increasingly upset, and it does not seem like you intend to respond reasons why my original argument is incorrect. So if you are not interested in explaining why my original argument is correct, I am happy to drop this.
Attacking me rather than answering questions quickly gets boring to me, especially after I point out what you are doing, and you continue to attack rather than debate. I am here for debate which I feel stopped occurring here.
Feel free to get in "the last word" if that is important to you. I will read it but not respond unless you want to discuss why my original points are incorrect.
Lol, just joking with you man. I'm fine with that being your opinion, but I'm here to tell you your opinion is dumb.
I am a psychologist and often people laugh when they are uncomfortable with the reality of truth...just sayin, or am I being too butch?
I laugh because I don't like to argue. If I can make the moment lighter, maybe my opponent will shut up.
Why be on a debate forum if you do not like to argue?
For goodness sake what's wrong with having "christian" cultural principles?
Plus none of the other stuff in your comment is even relevant to this person, its actually pretty inappropriate,
You think this atheist should fake being muslim? soooo weird or maybe just very sarcastic, either way you're quite harsh and combative, chill out!
@Sea of Madness
Try to find a nice emo girl; would be perfect for you.
Nyarlathotep: "Try to find a nice emo girl; would be perfect for you."
Did you even read a word of what I said? How do you read "I'm a southern boy and Christian culture is what I'm comfortable with" and think "an emo girl is perfect for you" is the correct answer? That's pretty much the exact type of girl I'm saying I can't tolerate.
Easy. I didn't base it on that; I based it on your previous thread(s). Play to your strengths man!
I might be reaching out here, but I will reiterate, if your an atheist, and want a christian woman, then youre a bit confused man.
That's not true. Please see my heavy metal analogy for clarity. I privately like heavy metal. But as far as the scene, culture, and people surrounding it, no thanks. I just like to listen to it on my car stereo.
"Play to your strengths man!"
What the hell does that even mean? What strengths?
You just stated "Every person wants loyalty and faithfulness in their partner". If that's true, then why would you think an atheist woman wouldn't want the same thing? Just because we have no loyalty to a God, doesn't mean we wouldn't be loyal to our partner.
Let's say you meet a nice Christian girl. Are you sure she'd want to be with an atheist? I think that's the real question. My Brother in law is an atheist as well. For a long time he dated a Christian girl. She was a bit religious, but she didn't try to change his mind and so it worked... Until they talked about marriage and kids. She wanted them to grow up in a church, he did not. And now, they're not together anymore. If you're in the South and/or Bible belt, I think it may be hard to find an open minded Christian who doesn't care what you believe and wouldn't care how your kids would be raised.
My motto is, you don't know until you try. If all atheist women near you are butch (which I highly doubt) then look elsewhere. A lot of atheists in general are loyal, kind people. A lot of us believe in the golden rule "Treat others as you want to be treated." You're either not looking hard enough or in the right place. They're out there!
I fully agree with Wednesday Adam's comment
Based on what you have said in this string, I think women are smart not to date you.
I've had a Frank Zappa song running thru my head since reading your words:
"What's the ugliest
Part of your body?
Some say your nose
Some say your toes
But I think it's YOUR MIND
(Your mind)"
Well, I partly agree with you. I'm mainly just speculating here. Like I said before, I'm very unlikely to ever get a date in my life (virtually certain never to), so this is just speculation. It kind of breaks the monotony of life to ponder and dream sometimes, so sometimes I like to think about what I'd do if I could ever do x. I think if I ever dated, I'd rather date someone who is closer to the type of person I was raised with rather than someone who is vastly different. You're right that my personality is likely the strongest deal breaker for women, but the thing is that my looks are so terrible that it never gets to that point, so lucky for them they never have to be exposed to it.
Right, because living in a dream is the dream. you get what you bestow partner. Equally important, you become what you think. Deep thought there hugh? I may be a bit sarcastic here, but I also believe you are not just living in a world of your own, but cannot truly understand that you placate on your own misfortunes almost in attempt to have others sympathize and feel sorry for you (because thats how you feel about yourself). You need a date with yourself to master the inner beliefs that haunt you...just some kindly atheist advice here from a non butchy atheist woman.
You don't look butchy, but you do look edgy. Probably a little bit more enlightened and socially-aware than I like too. I can't handle that. You'd chew me up and spit me out.
To slightly amend what I just said, I don't think it's ONLY my looks that are the reason why I'll never date. I'm pretty much the perfect storm of bad qualities. Poor looks, body deformities, crappy personality, still virgin in upper 20s, low education, low life experience, pretty much a loser and failure, etc. etc. etc. I'm mainly just throwing all that aside for this thread and just discussing why I think it would be even more difficult for me to have a relationship with an atheist woman. The reasons are difficult to explain. Basically, it takes a certain type of person and certain requisite traits to be willing to identify as atheist. I don't think I'd like a woman who would possess those traits. At least this seems true for people in my part of the world. I think I would just want someone who is "normal" by my definition. Perhaps less intelligent and more simple and easy going. I don't think I could handle a smart, complicated, atheist woman who perhaps different than what I'm used to. It seems that atheist women I'd meet would be vastly outside that vicinity.
Let me play devils advocate here.
You contend that "it takes a certain type of person and certain requisite traits to be willing to identify as atheist." what are those that are not based solely on Christian "type" women?
You also stated " I don't think I could handle a smart, complicated, atheist woman who perhaps different than what I'm used to. It seems that atheist women I'd meet would be vastly outside that vicinity."
So does that mean Christian women aren't smart, complicated?
I dont mean to bust your balls here, I am just so confused that you also say " I look edgy" let me guess, the tattoos define me as less than and depict me as an edgy too intelligent atheist woman? several; times in this thread you put yourself down all the while predicating that you have a certain ideal or list of things that a non- atheist woman should be. Therefore, i would still like you to entertain us and define what exactly the prerequisites are in the perfect woman......christian or atheist, then once again express why either or could not carry all those traits. You put women in a box, i would go so far to say youre a tad bit gender racist.
If your not overly 'date-able' why would you limit your chances by selecting to only seek a relationship with someone with similar beliefs in an invisible sky wizard?
Life is incredibly short, don't throw up road blocks! Break down the barriers.
I'm not very worried about it honestly. It's not that I'm "not overtly date-able". It's that I'm not even remotely date-able. But I'm ok with it. I'll never have a gf or date, I just gotta deal with it.
Get a VR headset, Oculus Rift is $499 atm. Then build your own Waifu.
Google Waifu. NSFW.
with all due respect, you constantly contradict yourself. Have you truly read and conceptualized anything anyone has said to you?
How do I constantly contradict myself?
LogicForTW, can I just say that if you were a woman you'd be on the list of ones I wouldn't date. I never understood what you're saying.
Did you google Waifu?
I very much like the idea that if I was a women you would not be interested in dating me :)
No and I'm not going to.
It is not 2 girls 1 cup sort of thing. It is just software where you can "design your own wife" then date it. With VR technology it is one step closer to seeming real. Obviously there's a lot of social stigma related to that, but what you do in the privacy of your own home, nobody has to know. Certainly not a replacement to a real loving wife, but it is something to consider if you feel you will never find women to date.