Did God cause the big bang? Thoughts?

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ætherborn98's picture
I wasn't trying to be "high
Deforres's picture
That's certainly how you came
ætherborn98's picture
"That's certainly how you
AlphaLogica157's picture
ætherborn98's picture
Interesting stuff "Biblical
Dave Matson's picture
Hawk Flint,
ætherborn98's picture
"The laws of nature are God's
Deforres's picture
"I meant that God could alter
Dave Matson's picture
The Great Green Spider could
ætherborn98's picture
Were there big bangs BEFORE
Deforres's picture
"Were there big bangs BEFORE
ætherborn98's picture
@Xavier death Forres,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
"How sure are you about that
ThePragmatic's picture
Apart from Jesus actually
ætherborn98's picture
What do you mean? If you mean
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
"Could the passage(s) about
Deforres's picture
"How about aliens?"
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
@The Pragmatic,
Deforres's picture
"There was an oppressive
ætherborn98's picture
"I...have a vampire for a
Deforres's picture
I do hope you realized the
ætherborn98's picture
Did you realize MY sarcasm? I
Deforres's picture
Then you should know just how
mykcob4's picture
So you based your whole life
ætherborn98's picture
Why's that sad?
mykcob4's picture
It's sad because no one
ætherborn98's picture
"It's sad because no one


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