Disciples weren't lying because they were tortured

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Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - surely the authors
UnKnown's picture
There are multiple sources
Nyarlathotep's picture
30 seconds of research would
UnKnown's picture
We you said something that is
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - I believe that two
UnKnown's picture
1. What do you mean by
Dave Matson's picture
MCDennis's picture
WE don't have any information
Sky Pilot's picture
Minimalist's picture
[quote]1. " His "disciples"
UnKnown's picture
Lets look at Jesus from the
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - Yet how many
UnKnown's picture
1. Hannibal: I didn't know
Nyarlathotep's picture
UnKnown - I found that
UnKnown's picture
1. "I'll let you in on a
Dave Matson's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right! Hannibal was just a
Minimalist's picture
"But our sources for anyone
Pitar's picture
Hope is a many faceted word.
Minimalist's picture
"Lets look at Jesus from the
Brendan Bombaci's picture
Martyrdom. It works. If
MCDennis's picture
If they died for their belief
heretic's picture
There is no real evidence
reinathorn's picture
good site https://www


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