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Spudnik510's picture
No just because i ask for
watchman's picture
Spudnik510's picture
what coral wheels have four
watchman's picture
Spudnik510's picture
so do you think that the gold
Nyarlathotep's picture
Spudnik - is the source of
Spudnik510's picture
so would you say the coral
Nyarlathotep's picture
Spudnik - so would you say
Spudnik510's picture
No i mean the way that they
Nyarlathotep's picture
Spudnik510's picture
ok you don't get my point so
David Killens's picture
Spudnik, just for the sake or
Cognostic's picture
Spudnik510's picture
i have and all it says is
Sheldon's picture
Your illegibility and overly
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
I feel your pain, and that's
Spudnik510's picture
First of all don't comment if
Sheldon's picture
I'll comment when and where
Cognostic's picture
@ Spuds: i find some of
algebe's picture
Isn't gold a bit soft for
Sapporo's picture
"If it is a Miracle, any sort
The_Quieter's picture
What do you think of the fact
Spudnik510's picture
Ok i have another question
Nyarlathotep's picture
Couple of problems with that
Spudnik510's picture
Because the blog is a load of
Spudnik510's picture
Two good points so if say Ron
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ron did his diving in the
Sheldon's picture
"So i was talking to some one
Spudnik510's picture
First point i was trying to


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