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Sheldon's picture
Spudnik "you put it across
Spudnik510's picture
That is what i am saying to
Sheldon's picture
You opened the thread
Spudnik510's picture
also you have mixed to things
Sapporo's picture
Spudnik: Ok i have another
Sheldon's picture
" you are not actually
Spudnik510's picture
I am not saying it is true so
Sheldon's picture
Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:48
Cognostic's picture
That was one of the excuses
Spudnik510's picture
Hi so is it illegal if a
Sapporo's picture
Spudnik: Hi so is it illegal
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Spudnik.
Spudnik510's picture
So since Rons visit to the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Spudnik - ...videos and
Sheldon's picture
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon has hit rock bottom!!
xenoview's picture
People are still talking
Sheldon's picture
Precisely what I tried to
Spudnik510's picture
Ok so there is a short video
Nyarlathotep's picture
100% fraud. I've been hearing
Sheldon's picture
Here's a YouTube link showing
watchman's picture
For info.....
Spudnik510's picture
So did these chariots have a
Sheldon's picture
Do you know what a question
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Spudnik
Sheldon's picture
He's not interested in
Spudnik510's picture
What are you talking about
Sheldon's picture
Yeah I stopped reading when
Spudnik510's picture
Na your just a pathetic cyber
Sheldon's picture
"Na your just a pathetic


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