Does Time have a Start?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Devans99's picture
X - X = 0
Nyarlathotep's picture
You already told us that
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Devans99's picture
What are you talking about?
Nyarlathotep's picture
Devans99's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - the fact that nothing
gupsphoo's picture
Tin-Man's picture
*on knees*... *hands clasped
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man Re: "Prayer"
Sapporo's picture
Time does not exist
Devans99's picture
That may well be the case. It
Sapporo's picture
Dan: That may well be the
Devans99's picture
Why do you need time outside
Sapporo's picture
Why do you need time outside
Devans99's picture
For a sphere you have to
Sapporo's picture
Dan: For a sphere you have to
arakish's picture
Dan: "Time is a dimension
Sheldon's picture
Dan, have any of your claims
Devans99's picture
Well I thought I'd collect
David Killens's picture
Devans99's picture
Due to the contrary nature of
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Devans99's picture
No-one has given a valid
arakish's picture
@ Dan
LogicFTW's picture
Devans99's picture
Leprechauns are not real
Tin-Man's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Again...proof that a god is


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