Does Time have a Start?

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arakish's picture
Dan: "Your math sucks beyond
Sheldon's picture
"Again this follows the
Sheldon's picture
"My ideas do not disagree
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Sheldon's picture
I'd be interested to know why
Devans99's picture
I have raised my argument
Sheldon's picture
You're making claims that the
toto974's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Devans99's picture
Yes but there are some things
LogicFTW's picture
Devans99's picture
'nfinite time means anything
LogicFTW's picture
Devans99's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
Dan "the infinite because the
arakish's picture
Dan: "Anyhow my OP proves
Sheldon's picture
We? You are concluding this,
Sapporo's picture
Dan: 1) If Quantum
arakish's picture
@ Dan
HumbleThinker's picture
I am starting to get the
arakish's picture
No anger. Just put up or
HumbleThinker's picture
The rest of us are at like a
arakish's picture
@ HumbleThinker
Tin-Man's picture
@Humble Thinker Re: "The
Sheldon's picture
You think it's impossible to
arakish's picture
@ HumbleThinker
xenoview's picture
You claim there is a god,
David Killens's picture
Sapporo's picture
It's always funny when


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