Does Time have a Start?

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Sheldon's picture
"Leprechauns are not real
Sheldon's picture
Dan "No-one has given a valid
Sapporo's picture
Dan: Well I thought I'd
Sheldon's picture
"Well I thought I'd collect
Devans99's picture
Again this follows the
Sapporo's picture
Devans99's picture
Yea, but this puddle is made
Sapporo's picture
Dan: Yea, but this puddle is
Devans99's picture
They require a creator which
Sapporo's picture
Dan: They require a creator
Devans99's picture
Reality can't be eternal in
CyberLN's picture
“What number is he on?” 42
Devans99's picture
Very funny. That would make
Tin-Man's picture
@Dan Re: "Very funny. That
Devans99's picture
Fair point. For the sake of
Tin-Man's picture
@Dan Re: "For the sake of
David Killens's picture
Dan, I suspect you missed the
Tin-Man's picture
@David Re: "Dan, I suspect
Sapporo's picture
Dan: Reality can't be eternal
Devans99's picture
Sapporo's picture
Dan: @Sapporo
Devans99's picture
Sapporo's picture
Dan: @Sapporo
Devans99's picture
Sapporo's picture
Dan: @Sapporo
Devans99's picture
But a being has to have a
Sapporo's picture
Dan: But a being has to have
Sheldon's picture
"If you assume it's possible
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Devans99's picture
Your math sucks beyond belief


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