Ever had any kind of paranormal experience?

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Rob's picture
Ever had any kind of paranormal experience?

I have always been fascinated with the idea of an afterlife and everything sorrounding paranormal phenomenon. But most of my paranormal experiences, while some are unexplainable, they are still open to debate. I would love for something truly convincing to happen to me so that i can have a much wider perspective about life, death and what happens after.

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James's picture
I used t believe in
Trevor's picture
Paranormal events are a
Rob's picture
I had to search more about
mysticrose's picture
I heard a lot of paranormal
Samson's picture
When it looks like the laws
Heather's picture
Four of my family members had
Heather's picture
Oops...meant to say can't...
SammyShazaam's picture
Paranormal events are just

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