Evidence for design

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Sheldon's picture
"The evidence for design is
Someone's picture
(1.1) I had written in the
Sheldon's picture
Our experience (I assume you
Someone's picture
You will ask me again where
Sheldon's picture
"I gave the evidence in the
Sheldon's picture
Jesus it''s like wading y
Lemememachine's picture
My favourite quote related to
Someone's picture
What difference were you
Lemememachine's picture
I feel this is a bit "cart
Someone's picture
I assume that you do not
Sheldon's picture
"But that you think the
Someone's picture
I am talking to you elsewhere
Lemememachine's picture
Yeah pretty much, I don't see
Someone's picture
I am not sure what you mean
Lemememachine's picture
I think you get what I meant,
Someone's picture
No I do not rely on
Lemememachine's picture
"Any experience that results
Sheldon's picture
"With regards to your first
Someone's picture
Sorry missed this one.
Lemememachine's picture
In the kind of universe I'm
Nyarlathotep's picture
Someone - But that you think
Someone's picture
It does not matter whether
Nyarlathotep's picture
Someone - The point is that
Someone's picture
You seem to not be


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Nyarlathotep's picture
Someone's picture
If the set of properties (I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Let me make it more concrete:
Someone's picture
So friction like pressure or
Nyarlathotep's picture
Someone - But if those
Sheldon's picture
"Seems like wild conjecture


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