Evidence for design

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Someone's picture
@Old man shouts...
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Someoine
Someone's picture
@Old man shouts...
arakish's picture
And I am in agreement with
Someone's picture
arakish's picture
Grinseed's picture
I hve been reading this
Someone's picture
@ Grinseed
The_Quieter's picture
Your fine tuning argument has
Grinseed's picture
"With physicalist theories
Sheldon's picture
If this doesn't prompt a
arakish's picture
And Sheldon is also correct.
Sapporo's picture
@Someone why do you believe
Sheldon's picture
No no, the evidence for
Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: "No no, the
arakish's picture
Sheldon's picture
We only one reality to
arakish's picture
Sapporo's picture
This thread proves we live in
Sheldon's picture
Voltaire's satire Candide
Sheldon's picture
I found this and thought it


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