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Sheldon's picture
Why? An atheist is someone
calhais's picture
It's nonsensical to imagine
Sheldon's picture
Exactly my point, as it's
calhais's picture
I misread. Retracted.
arakish's picture
In actuality, I feel you have
calhais's picture
That is not an fallacy ad
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Ok, let’s do this the easy
calhais's picture
Applying a modal logic (as
Sapporo's picture
∃xistential Intelligence
Sheldon's picture
"[First thing first- G is not
Sheldon's picture
"We will get to scientific
calhais's picture
If you (or anybody else) has
Sheldon's picture
"What would you propose they
xenoview's picture
∃xistential Intelligence
Tin-Man's picture
@Xeno Re: EI and word salad
arakish's picture
And I glad someone else
Dave Matson's picture
Sheldon's picture
10/10, bulls eye, nailed it,
Sapporo's picture
God only necessarily exists
arakish's picture
I see Subjective Awareness is
Sheldon's picture
Still waiting for Existential
calhais's picture
On whom rests the burden of
Sheldon's picture
calhais's picture
By Hitchens's so-called razor
Sheldon's picture
calhais " you didn't assert
calhais's picture
Then I have no idea what you
Sheldon's picture
So when I asked Existential
calhais's picture
So when I asked Existential
Sheldon's picture
Well he's gone so taking our
calhais's picture
Well he's gone so taking our


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