Evolution and God

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Devans99's picture
1. There is experimental
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - Chance god exists
Devans99's picture
The numbers were set at 50%
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - The numbers were set at
Sheldon's picture
1. There is experimental
Devans99's picture
Well I take issue with
Sheldon's picture
Has the law of cause and
Devans99's picture
You miss the point cause and
Sheldon's picture
No I didn't miss the point at
Devans99's picture
The prime mover argument does
Sheldon's picture
Space and time didn't exist
Devans99's picture
Well it looks like the law of
Sheldon's picture
I'm not prepared to simply
Devans99's picture
The problem is that absolute
Sheldon's picture
"So we have to choose "
Devans99's picture
Ok if you are happy with no
Sheldon's picture
Now you're making up lies Dan
Devans99's picture
When I said ‘happy’ I meant
Sheldon's picture
"Your argument seems to be we
Sapporo's picture
Dan, your calculation assumes
xenoview's picture
arakish's picture
Devans99's picture
1. Well there is plenty of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dan - So we can take one of
Sheldon's picture
"1. Well there is plenty of
Sheldon's picture
" It is probably impossible
arakish's picture
Read those two Wikipedia
Devans99's picture
If the universe gives the
Sheldon's picture
Men have more teeth than
arakish's picture


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