Evolution and God

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Devans99's picture
Evolution and God

The rough and tumble of survival of the fittest is sometimes used as evidence against the existence of a benevolent god - why would a kind god subject his beloved children to the cruelty of evolution so the argument goes.

I used to believe this but I’ve changed my opinion. At the rate human progress is going we should evolve into some sort of near perfect utopian society is short order (on evolutionary timescales).

So borrowing a maths term, evolution, in the limit, on this or any other planet, tends to utopia and universal happiness - in no way incompatible with a benevolent god.

Personally I think god is a pragmatist with limited powers; creation using pure random brute force of evolution is achievable and was always his plan. Creation using design is much more difficult and probably requires some sort of omnipotent god of the style of the major religions.

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Jscott2709's picture
How’s it going dan! First
Sheldon's picture
You do know evolution has
Cognostic's picture
@ DAN: At the rate human
Dave Matson's picture
Devans99's picture
You are rather flying in the
arakish's picture
Actually, I think it will the
LogicFTW's picture
"given enough time, evolution
Sheldon's picture
"You are rather flying in the
Kataclismic's picture
...given enough time,
Cognostic's picture
@DAN: "Personally I think god
Sheldon's picture
We generally infer design
David Killens's picture
Evolution has no goal, no
Devans99's picture
Hi Thanks for the replies! A
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
Yes, we know you think that.
Sheldon's picture
The prime mover argument by
Dave Matson's picture
David Killens's picture
Jscott2709's picture
Your fine tuning argument is
algebe's picture
@Dan: At the rate human
Peurii's picture
Hi Dan!
Devans99's picture
What purpose would someone
Dave Matson's picture
Devans99's picture
On fine tuning, I would argue
Dave Matson's picture
Jscott2709's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Justin Scott,
Peurii's picture
So you are saying that you
Peurii's picture
Also assuming that human
Devans99's picture
Justin: all of life needs a


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