The theory of evolution should be expunged from curriculum of biology.
In order to fully explain the origin of different plants and animals that exist on the earth, all various theories of evolution ( neo-darwinian model, punctuated equilibrium model and neutral model of molecular evolution) completely focus on how the genetic information contained in the DNA are being "changed" or "rewired" by mutations (as the theories assumed).
Not only that these evolutionary theories completely neglect how the first complete set of DNA information ( contained in the first living cell ) came to exist in the first place, but they also completely neglect the ultimate origin of the underlying design ( like meiotic cell division, fertilization, mitotic cell division, cellular differentiation and morphogenesis ) that even make the transformation of these DNA information into physical plants and animals to be possible.
Hence, the similitude of the evolutionary scientists are like researchers who completely focus on how the instructions contained in the cooking manual are being changed in order to fully explain the origin of the varieties of food found in a particular restaurant and completely neglect how those cooking instructions are being actually transformed into different plates of food served before the customers.
Yet it is agreed by all that the underlying design ( a well- furnished kitchen with cooking utensils, cooking appliances, cooking ingredients and cooking experts that would read, interpret and implement the cooking instructions ) that make the transformation of instructions contained in the cooking manual into different plates of food to be possible is far far more important than the cooking instructions itself.
Similarly, the underlying design ( like meiotic cell division, fertilization, mitotic cell division, cellular differentiation and morphogenesis) that make the transformation of the DNA information into physical plants and animals to be possible is far far more important than the DNA information itself
(1)If this is true, then why do all the theories of evolution completely focus on how the genetic information contained in the DNA are being "changed" or "rewired" by mutations (as the theories assumed) in order to fully explain the origin of different plants and animals and completely neglect the ultimate origin of the underlying design (like meiotic cell division, fertilization, mitotic cell division, cellular differentiation and morphogenesis) that make the transformation of these DNA information into physical plants and animals to be possible ?
Even if we assume that the first living cell managed to evolve from non living materials and again managed to replicate itself ( abiogenesis—a problem that all the world scientists are yet to be solved), then:
(2) What later caused some of these self-replicating cells to abandon their diploid way of life and suddenly change to become haploid cells (meiotic cell division)—an event that make sexual reproduction to be possible— ?
( 3) What later caused two of these haploid cells to start fusing with one another during sexual reproduction in order to restore their original diploid state ( fertilization) ?
(4) What later caused this fused cell (called zygote) to multiply and form a compact ball of similar cells (mitotic cell division) ?
(5) What later caused this compact ball of similar cells to "differentiate" and "specalize" to form different types of cell (like bone cells, muscle cells, blood cells, nerve cells, skin cells, cartilage cells, epithelial cells, endothelia cells, liver cells, kidney cells, brain cells, retinal cells etc) using a complex cascade of genetic program known as developmental gene regulatory network (dGRN) ( cellular differentiation) ?
(6) What if the similar ball of cells just continue to multiply (like what we observed with cancer cells ) and never stop to start differentiation process ?
(7) Besides, how did last ball of cell to multiply get to "know" that it is time to stop multiplication and start the differentiation process ?
(8 What later caused these group of differentiated and specialized cells to start "arranging" themselves in a particular way in order to form various tissues and distinct organs of different size, shape and function at different location ( morphogenesis) ?
(9) What if all the differentiated cells just come together to form a big mass of intermingled tissue (like a bulk of shapeless meat) without forming any distinct organ ?
(10) So how does these differentiated cells "know" which direction to take, which pattern of arrangement to follow and to what extent they will multiply in order to construct a distinct organ of a particular shape and size in a specific location ?
(11) If all this knowledge regarding the shape, size and location of a particular organ in a body plan are already encoded in the genetic information, then what or better yet who encoded this knowledge ? And how does the cells even manage to decode this knowledge and act accordingly if there is no any "intelligent planning" that went ahead the whole show ?
If evolutionary scientists have no convincing answers to all these questions and even have no convincing explanation concerning the origin of the first living cell, then why does theory of evolution is still being portrayed in the academic circle as a scientific fact that fully explain how different plants and animals on earth came to exist without the need of being created by anyone ?
Is it not the high time for the theory of evolution to be completely expunged from the curriculum of biology both at the high school level and in colleges?
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