An extreme example of paranoia in the USA

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ZeffD's picture
An extreme example of paranoia in the USA

“I’ve read many accounts which suggest that [Hillary Clinton] is a practicing witch, part of a witches coven at the very highest levels,” McGuire said. “I think she has a demonic hatred in her — her statement about the ‘deplorables’ revealed what was in her heart.”

“I believe that if Hillary Clinton had become president of the United States,” he asserted, “like Jezebel, she would have persecuted, arrested, fined, imprisoned and perhaps killed America’s pastors, she would have shut down the preaching of the gospel and the gates of hell would have broken loose on our nation.”


Any other examples? Perhaps the feeling that a Democrat such as Ms Clinton or Mr Sanders would "take away my gun"?

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LogicFTW's picture
As for your last line, I
MCDennis's picture
She's a witch. Burn her.
Cognostic's picture
Witch or not, Hillary Clinton
Sushisnake's picture
But wait! There's more!
ZeffD's picture
LogicFTW's picture
This sort of stuff comes out
Sushisnake's picture
There's a ready made market

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