Favourite verses

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jonthecatholic's picture
Have I ignored them? I don't
Burn Your Bible's picture
I don't read genesis as a
jonthecatholic's picture
The way you read genesis 1
Burn Your Bible's picture
No I read genesis as a
jonthecatholic's picture
Actually some text in genesis
Sirkenstien's picture
Yes we know. It's meant to be
Sirkenstien's picture
precisely why it has to be
Tin-Man's picture
Pretty sure Chica completely
mykcob4's picture
There is NOTHING and I mean
Chica__2009's picture
Really? Not even something
mykcob4's picture
Nope, not psalms proverbs not
jonthecatholic's picture
Not even Sirach 38 on what to
Chica__2009's picture
JoC, where is Sirach from? I
jonthecatholic's picture
Oh. I think Sirach is in the
Chica__2009's picture
Uh, I see. Thanks for
Sky Pilot's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
Thanks for this. My
Sky Pilot's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
The Deuterocanon had always
Jared Alesi's picture
Psalm 38:7. Lo, I have a
Jared Alesi's picture
Depending upon translation.
Chica__2009's picture
Lol. That's random
Jared Alesi's picture
Such is usually true with
algebe's picture
Revelation 8-11:
LostLocke's picture
Exodus 13:21. "By day the


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LostLocke's picture
Bleh, I guess animated gifs
Chica__2009's picture
Oh yes, the pillar of cloud
LostLocke's picture
I like the versions that
CyberLN's picture
And Jephthah made a vow to
jonthecatholic's picture
This actually does have a


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