Genesis names article

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AJ777's picture
Genesis names article

Text removed by moderator. OP, please do not copy paste large blocks of text from other sites. You may link to it.

Here is a link.

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David Killens's picture
Mods, this OP is blatant
CyberLN's picture
It wasn’t plagiarism as he
Grinseed's picture
I did not see the OP but
algebe's picture
@Grinseed: 'Peanut butter the
Cognostic's picture
It's okay, no one on the site
Calilasseia's picture
I just hopped over to that
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ The OP
AJ777's picture
Does anyone care to discuss
David Killens's picture
I do not think it is a code
arakish's picture
AJ777: "Does anyone care to
Bob Lawson's picture
Sheldon's picture
It's nonsense, just another
AJ777's picture
There’s no searching
David Killens's picture
umm Hebrew is not English, it
algebe's picture
So your assertion is that
NewSkeptic's picture
Act1 - Enoch and his Wife
Cognostic's picture
Another Inane and completely
Sheldon's picture
As I said, specious nonsense.
Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: "...with a home
Sheldon's picture
Mea culpa, there is of course
AJ777's picture
If you’ve read the link to
arakish's picture
@ AJ777
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Sheldon's picture
It reads like gibberish to me
Sheldon's picture
"If you’ve read the link to
gupsphoo's picture
Calilasseia's picture
Oh, dear. It's the "Bible
AJ777's picture
This is not an ELS code. It’s
David Killens's picture


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