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Stu. K.'s picture

So! If some of y'all remembered, about 2 months ago, I made a post about "Believing In Ghosts But Not God?". Pieces of ghost evidence I have provided can of been (is can of been proper English? ) debunked or proven as not reliable evidence. But what I forgot to add is one piece of personal evidence that has happened to me and my brother. It's pretty simple, it went something like.

Me and my brother were playing around my old house when we both went into the laundry room for some reason (twas a long time ago) AND THEN!!! DUN DUN DUNN :o we both heard what sounded EXACTLY like my grandma's voice, something say "Gavin" (my brothers name) in a higher, but still friendly, voice. Although my grandma has not died, I might bet that somebody on her side of the family may of have (most are prettyyy old) and she didn't come inside our house any time after that, that leads to the question of what could that be, the only answer perhaps being something that may be supernatural. Remember we BOTH heard it, not just me.

Can somebody please tell me how this would not be proof of anything supernatural, as I'm sure y'all smarties have an answer. Oh. And if you say "you're lying", you are right that I can only say it and not really "prove" it, and therefore can't blame you. However if you think I am lying, can you still tell me how this would be not reliable?

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
This doesn't prove the

This doesn't prove the existence of ghosts.
It is only something that you can't explain.
The lack of an explanation is not the proof of anything, it's just the lack of an explanation.
Inserting a cause to an unexplained thing is an argument from ignorance.
Just because you can't figure out what the cause was, doesn't give you the right to say that a ghost did it.
All you can honestly say is ,"I don't know."

ThePragmatic's picture
We humans have a tendency to

We humans have a tendency to anthropomorphize what we see and hear.

A good example is given by Richard Dawkins in "The God Delusion", p 115:

"Once, as a child, I heard a ghost: a male voice murmuring, as if in recitation or prayer. I could almost, but not quite, make out the words, which seemed to have a serious, solemn timbre. I had been told stories of priest holes in ancient houses, and I was a little frightened. But I got out of bed and crept up on the source of the sound. As I got closer, it grew louder, and then suddenly it ‘flipped’ inside my head. I was now close enough to discern what it really was. The wind, gusting through the keyhole, was creating sounds which the simulation software in my brain had used to construct a model of male speech, solemnly intoned. Had I been a more impressionable child, it is possible that I would have ‘heard’ not just unintelligible speech but particular words and even sentences. And had I been both impressionable and religiously brought up, I wonder what words the wind might have spoken."

Stu. K.'s picture
All true, all true. One part

All true, all true. One part of me says it really isn't ghost proof, but another says "how could you really say it wasn't anything supernatural? " or similar. Kind of like both answers to this are wrong.. Hmm...

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