God is a Clown

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Wicked Clown's picture
God is a Clown

...in walks a wicked clown...

Hey Kid's, it's happy slappy time!

The History of the world we live in is a three ring circus shit show! Mankind uses their incredible ingenuity to destroy each other and destroy themselves. What a waste! What a joke! What a nightmare!

God is love and the most important commandment is to love your neighbor and do unto others as you would have them do to you. Yet God is the epitome of the word SERIAL KILLER...

Just read the Bible and see for yourself how he drowns man women and child, and commands his chosen people to commit Genocide not sparing man, woman, child, or animal, and burns civilians with fire and brim stone, not to mention turning a human into a pillar of salt for looking backward....having a man stoned to death for working on the wrong day of the week?!? GOOD GRIEF!!! WTF!

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Lmale's picture
Yup ive argued that point to
SammyShazaam's picture
It's amazing how many
mysticrose's picture
The title is very funny! A
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea greg when I read the

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