God's Not Dead

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Nyarlathotep's picture
The week, and the 7 days
ChildofGod's picture
No you cant actually because
ImFree's picture
The Bible is a collection of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I do not see ChildofGod even
ChildofGod's picture
I am actually a she. And
CyberLN's picture
Child, if your expectation is
ChildofGod's picture
see you only say that because
ImFree's picture
I couldn't agree more.
ChildofGod's picture
Ok then tell me or explain to
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Science is a LIE and a way
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ChildofGod's picture
Ok so your saying that that
ImFree's picture
You would have to be able to
ImFree's picture
LOL....Jeff beat me to the


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