"God's Plan"

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science's picture
"God's Plan"

When some horrendous atrocity happens, religiuos people will say it is "God's plan," or it is "God's will." In my view, this is an excuse to try and justify "God" allowing something bad to happen. What possible plan could "God" have for allowing 21 first graders to be slaughtered in Newtown? Or a church full of litle girls to be murdered in Lancaster? A fire in Brooklyn this weekend took the lives of SEVEN children as they slept in their upstairs bedroom...what kind of "blueprint" could "God" have for that? Is it also "God's will" that there are entire COUNTRIES where there is nothing but disease, starvation, and death? Didn't "He" create all this? Why hasn't "HE" responded to the cries of diseased, starving, abused, molested, abandoned children? Why does "God" allow children to be molested by clergy in "His" own house of worship, and why does "He" allow the higher ups ( Cardinals, Bishops, etc) to ignore what is happening, or to bury the incidents, and protect the violators by passing them on to other parrishes to abuse another child? Anything that happens that is good, "God" will recieve all the credit...but why is "He" suddenly not responsible for the bad? If "God" can truly work miracles, and can do anything, than at the very LEAST he should be able to protect the children!! Reality

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Reminded me of George Carlin
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The full version:
science's picture
Thanks, Jeff. Absolutely
ImFree's picture
Carlin always made it easy to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, about what you wrote;
science's picture
Hey Jeff..Was there even a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
There is evidence to suggest
myrobot's picture
Of course you are right. Many
John Bryan's picture
God is "not willing that any
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"He is trying to cure the
science's picture
So, God is going to avenge
John Bryan's picture
I don't know what anger does
science's picture
What in hell are you talking
John Bryan's picture
True, what I just said has
MarioinBrussels's picture
Of course Christians agree
MarioinBrussels's picture
Of course Christians agree
MarioinBrussels's picture
God will avenge all the
Nyarlathotep's picture
John6b - "You didn't find
John Bryan's picture
Well, that's definitely an
CyberLN's picture
"But if anything the list
John Bryan's picture
Literacy, travel, and the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think she did, you were
Drakaris Oscuras's picture
This is why that argument is
science's picture
Lets leave "John" alone. His
Ergunnbaxter's picture
Humans are evil. We do evil
Nyarlathotep's picture
It is only God's fault if you
science's picture
I have never heard of"God"
mysticrose's picture
If all the terrors that
science's picture
That is another excuse to
mysticrose's picture
If all the terrors that


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