"God's Plan"

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mysticrose's picture
If all the terrors that
mysticrose's picture
If all the terrors that
Ergunnbaxter's picture
God gave human beings free
ImFree's picture
“The world God created in the
Nyarlathotep's picture
NotTheSuperstar - "God gave
science's picture
So you are saying that "acts
Ergunnbaxter's picture
@Nyar... To answer your
science's picture
NOTHING about religion, OR
Ergunnbaxter's picture
@Nyar.. Im curious what
Nyarlathotep's picture
A1) Joe has freewill.
ImFree's picture
Freewill is a contradiction
Ergunnbaxter's picture
@Nyar... the fact that
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm expecting a specific
science's picture
Sorry, superstar...I guess I
Ergunnbaxter's picture
@ImFree.. I have nothing to
ImFree's picture
@ NotTheSuperstar: Prove your
Ergunnbaxter's picture
I don't see why we can't
Ergunnbaxter's picture
@Nyar... what I'm proposing
Nyarlathotep's picture
Since you haven't objected to
Ergunnbaxter's picture
Look @Nyar I don't see how
Nyarlathotep's picture
Adding a 3rd argument can not
Ergunnbaxter's picture
I'm colorblind?
Ergunnbaxter's picture
Sorry for being silly (that
Ergunnbaxter's picture
In your argument above the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Joe does not have a choice in
Ergunnbaxter's picture
Okay, I understand why your
Nyarlathotep's picture
Could he have chosen Baker
science's picture
I'll quote the comedian Bill
Ergunnbaxter's picture
You are saying that by
ImFree's picture
One added observation: In the


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