Greek 666

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Spudnik510's picture
Greek 666

Hi has anybody seen the similarities between the Greek number 6 6 6 and the word in the name of allah that is very common in the Muslim world?
Just like to hear other people’s thoughts on the similarities of them both.

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algebe's picture
I'm afraid I don't see it.

I'm afraid I don't see it. Could you explain how they are similar and what you think it means?

Have you tried adding up the first six Roman numerals? (I, V, X, L, C, D).


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Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: "Have you tried

@Algebe Re: "Have you tried adding up the first six Roman numerals? (I, V, X, L, C, D)."

Holy cow! I never noticed that before! Awesome!... Oh, wait.... That means Roman numerals are... are... are... SATANIC!!!! Noooooooooooo....!!!

Cognostic's picture
ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ever notice the utterly complete ignorance of some people?

Nyarlathotep's picture
MTheory's picture
The Mark Of The Beast!

The Mark Of The Beast!

Satan = Caesar Nero


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chimp3's picture
Who cares! I use math to

Who cares! I use math to calculate drug dosages and pay my bills not for divination.

Tin-Man's picture
Hmmmm..... Gonna try

Hmmmm..... Gonna try something here...

6+6+6 = 18
18/6 = 3
3 x 111 = 333
999 - 333 = 666 (!!!!!!!!!!) EEEEEEEEeeeeeeek...!!! Oh, shit! This whole number thing must be TRUE! Uh-oh! Did I just summon the devil????.... *looking around apprehensively*....

Cognostic's picture
1 can go into 666, 666 times.

1 can go into 666 times. 1 is evil.

In Spirit's picture


Ever notice that all the roulette numbers add up to 666....and that game was invented by a monk if I am not mistaken . We can create findings in almost anything.

Try this one on for size: bush - blair and bin Laden....Do you notice how the b looks like a 6. Oh noooooo spells bbb and becomes 666.

I can understand that our mind likes to solve things and discuss them but do you think you are in the correct website to discuss this subject?

David Killens's picture
@In Spirit

@In Spirit

"Ever notice that all the roulette numbers add up to 666....and that game was invented by a monk if I am not mistaken ."

The earliest roulette wheel was invented by a brilliant French mathematician and statistician named ... Blaise Pascal.

Yes, he is also responsible for Pascal's Wager.

Sheldon's picture
So an arbitrary number has a

So an arbitrary number has a vague similarity to an arbitrary word in another language, what a truly underwhelming coincidence.

I'm not going to lie here, this is not even slightly interesting. At least you brought this vague rhetorical homage to religious superstition to a forum of atheists, very shrewd.

boomer47's picture
sort answer; NO

Short answer; NO

What is the point of your question? The impression I get is you are about to segue into numerology, or possibly into the realm of' 'meaningful coincidences'.

No matter, it's all woo. I'm with Sheldon . Bringing such wankery to an atheist forum is perhaps not the best idea you've ever had.

Sheldon's picture
@ cranky47

@ cranky47

"Wankery", class, have an agree for making me laugh...

LogicFTW's picture
Heh, if humans stuck with

Heh, if humans stuck with counting their knuckles instead of whole fingers on two different hands, and we had a 12 base system instead of 10, all of these numerologies would be completely different!
What then??
Think of the poor children!

boomer47's picture
The Mayans used base 20 . The

The Mayans used base 20 . The Babylonians used base 60 (?)

Tin-Man's picture
I think I want to start my

I think I want to start my own base system. Base 11.73. The decimal increment would make it much more accurate, don't you think?

Sheldon's picture
Remember there 10 kinds of

Remember there are 10 kinds of people in the world.

Those who understand binary code, and those who don't.

I'll get my coat...

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