Guys, God Necessarily IS.

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Jarret Petty-two's picture
Sapporo: To say that
Sapporo's picture
∃xistential Intelligence: Let
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Sapporo's picture
The laws of nature define an
arakish's picture
@ EI
calhais's picture
The error is yours, and
arakish's picture
And you need to look it up
calhais's picture
Using the correct inference
Sheldon's picture
"Nothing has no properties,
calhais's picture
It isn't scientific to say
Sapporo's picture
calhais: Perhaps you
calhais's picture
If reality is an isolated
Sapporo's picture
I don't have a problem with
calhais's picture
Well, sure. That isn't the
Sapporo's picture
calhais: Well, sure. That isn
calhais's picture
Then you adhere to an
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Saporro, I already commented
calhais's picture
It’s already proven there
calhais's picture
Get over yourself; write only
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Calhais, this is not a modal
Nyarlathotep's picture
It is actually quite
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I asked two specific
Jarret Petty-two's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
The phrase absolute zero does
LogicFTW's picture
Wonder if ∃xistential
Tin-Man's picture
E-I...E-I....Oooooh (my
arakish's picture
...and Old McDonald had a
calhais's picture
Impossible is impossible.
Tin-Man's picture
@Calhais Re: The


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