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Harry33Truman's picture
You don't have to, in an
Sir Random's picture
As far a im concerned, that
Harry33Truman's picture
But how does cutting a
Sir Random's picture
Doing that would feel like
Harry33Truman's picture
"An irrational belief that an
Sir Random's picture
I suppose my thinking that
algebe's picture
"cut a picture of a loved one
mykcob4's picture
Atheism doesn't mean not
Dave Matson's picture
Exactly! I was wondering
Harry33Truman's picture
No, I said that atheists are
Sir Random's picture
However, not all atheists are
Dave Matson's picture
chimp3's picture
My four grandparents , one
algebe's picture
"We thank God that it has
Kataclismic's picture
A picture is a moment in time
Harry33Truman's picture
It was a copy of a photo, not
Sir Random's picture
And the difference is?
Harry33Truman's picture
Well they're not destroying
mykcob4's picture
@Harry Truman ( I hate that
chimp3's picture
I have been thinking a bit


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