how can we "see" God? illogical atheism

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cristian gavrilescu's picture
how can we "see" God? illogical atheism

we have any kind of food with any kind of taste. we have any kind of drink with any kind of taste. we have any kind of material to build and make anything we want, the world is the place to be. evolution couldn't do this. bible quote: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" (Matthew 7:7). this is not the kingdom of God. believe in the magic soup of darwin (satan), believe in the frog which became a prince, believe in satan. (bad advice). even if you see God, nothing can make you believe that he is God, nothing can make you believe his law, only faith can do that. how did Lord Jesus anticipate his success, the success of christianity? simple, he knows God, and he is the Son of God.
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8)

illogical atheism:
who made christianity and why? who made the old testament and why? you don't believe in Lord Jesus, so someone lied and made the new testament for an evil reason, according to your opinion. those who lied, they believed in evolution? or other gods? because God and evolution are the only solutions that explain our existence. so there is this possibility, some ancient men believed in evolution but they hid that until darwin bringing to the public, so darwin ruins their plan and you the same, to be liars forever because we die, they can't enjoy of "masterplan", makes perfect sense, the irony. the old testament could be made for the same reason or made by lunatics. again, this makes perfect sense, irony again. in conclusion, darwin was an outlaw, ancient men believed in evolution, or other gods and they lied to us, making us believe in Lord Jesus. perfect sense (irony).

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Tin-Man's picture
Dammit, Crist! You forgot
dogalmighty's picture
You sir need to stop making
Tin-Man's picture
watchman's picture
Well ...well …… there it is..
NewSkeptic's picture
Here's some sound
cristian gavrilescu's picture
buddy, here is no hope but i
CyberLN's picture
cristian_gavrilescu, you
cristian gavrilescu's picture
you wrote :The only solutions
CyberLN's picture
cristian_gavrilescu, it
cristian gavrilescu's picture
CyberLN, i don't know, you
CyberLN's picture
cristian_garvilescu, nope, I
Sheldon's picture
Wow, it''s been literally
dogalmighty's picture
cristian gavrilescu's picture
why you believe evolution?
CyberLN's picture
cristian_gavelscu, quite
Sheldon's picture
cristian_gavrilescu "why you
cristian gavrilescu's picture
Sheldon i know you say
Sheldon's picture
boomer47's picture
cristian gavrilescu's picture
do you know even mendeleev's
CyberLN's picture
cristian_whatever, Mendeleev
cristian gavrilescu's picture
tell me a discovery made by
CyberLN's picture
Xtian_g, “tell me a discovery
Sheldon's picture
"tell me a discovery made by
cristian gavrilescu's picture
Sheldon listen to science,
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon listen to science,
Grinseed's picture
I sense English is your
Sheldon's picture
Excellent post Grinseed, if I
Grinseed's picture
You may :)
dogalmighty's picture


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