I Broke the Rules Again

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Kataclismic's picture
I Broke the Rules Again

There's a group called The Absurdity of Atheism on Facebook that another group I'm in was talking about. It's an atheist group that was poking fun at it, but nevermind. I went to the page to see what was there and it turns out I could comment! I didn't have to join or anything! Better than that, the last post on there was my favourite subject; the followers of each religion think there's is the right one. So I asked a question and it quickly devolved until the entire argument was deleted and of course, I can no longer comment.

This is the type of thing these theist debate groups do; as soon as you start to make headway they can't listen anymore. More evidence of a con.




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ThePragmatic's picture
If I believed in a god and
Kataclismic's picture
Very well put, Pragmatic, I

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