I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out
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See, mentally retarded.
An oblate spheroid is a 3 dimensional object.
An ellipsoid is a 2 dimensional object.
There is no such thing as an oblate ellipsoid since ALL ellipsoids are oblate.
I learned this shit in 3rd grade from me dad's college math books that dated from the 40s. Gads, the education of the young children today has been flushed down the toilet. Especially, it seems, in the Islamic world.
It would seem from the link CyberLN provided, the chat you seek is with the other Muslim translators about whether the sun becomes spherical, rounded, extinguished, rolled up, implodes, goes out, darkens, or ceases to shine and not about whether anyone on earth could, or could not, see that the sun was oblate by the width of a human hair as see from one mile away as per the NASA article you cited:
"At the time of RHESSI’s measurements in 2004, ridges increased the sun’s apparent equatorial radius by an angle of 10.77 +- 0.44 milli-arcseconds, or about the same as the width of a human hair viewed one mile away." I assume you know how dangerous it is to stare at the sun just to determine how round it is.
From the context of 81.1, I don't think the sun's shape is the issue, but that it is no more than a poetic way of saying "when the sun goes down" or "When night falls". You are attempting to make too much of a debatable translation and interpretation.
And I make the above statements without expecting or caring about my fellow atheists respect for me and without any expectation of financial reward for AR or myself.
please refer to the conversation I am having with Sapporo and view the picture I attached
The image of which you attached twice is just a picture of a nebula. So what?
If you were following my discussion with the others you would find that we were talking about the shape of the sun from the verse I stated in the initial conversation.
The picture of the section of the Carina nebula is proof for the reality expressed in the Quran which current cosmologists or astrologist failed to recognize as part of the creation of planets. They didn't know the origin of planets and claimed they were the result of collected space dust condensed and pulled by a given star's gravity. The Carina nebula proves otherwise, and the reason of discovery was the Quran Ch. 86:1-3, which explains the shape of the sun clearer than the NASA article I provided.
And what does a picture of a nebula have to do with the bullshit you are spewing about your book of lies?
rmfr = my initials
Bob Dylan must know all knowledge about the Sun yet to be discovered, as he knows that the Sun’s not yellow, it’s chicken.
Bob Dylan is dead
So is the Prophet; should we reject what the Prophet wrote because the Prophet is dead?
The guy was being annoying and sarcastic... please don't ride that horse.
Instead of riding it then, why don't we beat that horse?
That is the natural response for all muslims is it not? Beat the shit out of someone who disagrees with you until the police force you to stop or you kill the person.
Christianity and Islam can be summed up in just two sentences: "You are to live with persons in peace, love, brotherhood, but only with those of like minds. All others are to be put to the sword."
And it says exactly that in both books of lies. If Islam is a religion of peace, then why is there no peace in any Islamic country?
You’re thinking of Paul McCartney.
No Jenny Mccarthy
Ah, just like other muslims. Into pornography.
(81:1) When the sun shall be folded up,1
1. This is a matchless metaphor for causing the sun to lose its light. Takwir means to fold up; hence takwir al-amamah is used for folding up the turban on the head. Here, the light which radiates from the sun and spreads throughout the solar system has been likened to the turban and it has been said that on the Resurrection Day the turban will be folded up about the sun and its radiation will fade.
اِذَا الشَّمۡسُ كُوِّرَتۡۙ
What the fk are you talking about?
there are 40 somthing comments man... READ
Bob Dylan isn't dead. Its just the way he parts his hair.
Like your parrot?
Mohamed .. your thinking resembles that of those who profess to believe the Earth is flat. If Allah himself told you you were wrong you'd not accept his authority.
With all respect SeniorCitizen007, that is a plain statement. I would like to know where I've gone wrong rather than be told that I'm sadistic.
And you cannot see where Islam is sadistic? Not only mentally retarded, but blind also.
That's no parrot and parrots don't grow hair although his sulphur crest is called a comb. Its in the bible.
Oh so you are Christian?
How come you are an atheist?... Even though Muslims believe that the Bible has been tampered with, I have managed to find deep scientific texts in it.
@ Mohamed
And the Qu'ran has not been tampered with? And neither has anything scientific in them. Both are nothing more lies forced onto others under the threat of eternal damnation or immediate death.
@ Mohamad
Sounds to me like a Religious Absolutist with 20/20 post prophecy. Takes words and redefines their meaning to fit your distorted and perverted viewpoint.
Yep, you know the religious apologist is in trouble when their entire argument for god revolves around who translated what and what words mean written 1000+ years ago.
Beyond the "I am going to change word definitions and translations to suit my argument" issue this argument has, there is so many logical flaws with this argument.
Why would a "god" mention something so basic like: hey the sun is not perfectly perfectly spherical. But then not have time/bother to mention hey here is penicillin and save millions of lives of his "followers". Oh here is safe cleaning and cleanliness practices that will save several million more lives. Nope I am going to talk about how the sun is not perfectly, perfectly! spherical. Why give a little of supposed special insight the sun is not perfectly round, as a supposed, hey "proof I am god even though I am very skittish." But won't give real proof like: hey here is how you cure cancer. Or here is how to rise up to be the far and away dominant culture, nope instead this "god" will just say hey, the sun is not perfectly perfectly round. An observation anyone can make when they realize perfect spherical shapes exist nowhere in the universe other than in our minds as theory.
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It's funny that you profile picture says LOGIC. I dunno if you have read some of the conversations and answers between me and the other skeptics which I'll assume you haven't, but the conversation does not stop at the roundness of the sun + what makes Allah weird for stating the shape of the sun which NASA found out in 2004 (as one of the debaters pointed out to me) and wrote it in 2008. He stated it 1400 years ago. That is one reason my logical friend.
Now people are really held up by this shape of the sun crap and that is only the tip of the iceberg, using the Quran I will completely nullify the Big Bang Theory.
I will tell you something that I haven't told the others yet, I was keeping it for my next conversation. "God" would mention anything that would prove his knowledge over mere humans. I have posted a picture for a section of the Carina nebula which shows the birth of planets from a star (I have attached it for you so you don't go far looking for it), in it, it shows the order of planets, on the right and left with the placements of moons. THAT IS WHY WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER have a complete planetary alignment.
"Allah" states all of that in the Quran. Atheists and scientists have no way out of this conversation. The Quran is the new cosmology book in universities.
Attach Image/Video?:
Mohumped: "but the conversation does not stop at the roundness of the sun"
and how long has "the roundness of the sun" been noticed? For about a million years? Two million years? Seems your Allah was playing catch up.
"I will tell you something that I haven't told the others yet, I was keeping it for my next conversation. "God" would mention anything that would prove his knowledge over mere humans. I have posted a picture for a section of the Carina nebula which shows the birth of planets from a star (I have attached it for you so you don't go far looking for it), in it, it shows the order of planets, on the right and left with the placements of moons. THAT IS WHY WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER have a complete planetary alignment."
I have attempted to keep my focus solely on a scientific and logical basis. But you keep evading and using very vague descriptions.
But in the case of the Carina nebula (more specifically in the region of Mystic Mountain) we are examining a picture of something 6,500 to 10,000 light years distant. If we took the most powerful optical tools available and exposed them for months, we could never attain the resolution to see something as small as a planet (at those distances). Those red arrows are not pointing to planets, and thus your hypothesis completely falls apart.
Whenever I say something, an atheist asks for proof