I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out

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arakish's picture
See, mentally retarded.
Grinseed's picture
A.prophet's picture
please refer to the
arakish's picture
The image of which you
A.prophet's picture
If you were following my
arakish's picture
And what does a picture of a
Sapporo's picture
Bob Dylan must know all
A.prophet's picture
Bob Dylan is dead
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mohamed - Bob Dylan is dead
A.prophet's picture
The guy was being annoying
arakish's picture
Instead of riding it then,
Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: Bob Dylan is dead
A.prophet's picture
No Jenny Mccarthy
arakish's picture
Ah, just like other muslims.
Cognostic's picture
(81:1) When the sun shall be
A.prophet's picture
there are 40 somthing
Grinseed's picture
Bob Dylan isn't dead. Its
A.prophet's picture
Like your parrot?
SeniorCitizen007's picture
Mohamed .. your thinking
A.prophet's picture
With all respect
arakish's picture
And you cannot see where
Grinseed's picture
That's no parrot and parrots
A.prophet's picture
Oh so you are Christian?
arakish's picture
@ Mohamed
arakish's picture
@ Mohamad
LogicFTW's picture
A.prophet's picture
It's funny that you profile


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
Mohumped: "but the
David Killens's picture
A.prophet's picture
Whenever I say something, an


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